Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

.0 HAP. VII, 73 Tooke for the Saviour fromhim ; and if they fought him in Cains pofteritie,they perifhed for ever. Among Noahs chil- dren, Sem z had theprerogatiu.e,and in- z Geri.9,2.6i to his tents muff Iapheth (though his el- 27, der brother) corne for to dwell,and par- take of his bleílings, and Chams houfe was condemned to bondage. After that vnto Abraham was the a Gofpel prea- a Gal.;,S. ched , that in him all nations fhould be blefred ; and to his feede b Chrifi, were b tierfe i6 the promifes made: then who fo Deuce- ved ( after knowledge of this promife) in a Saviour, to comeofany other man; let up an idoli in his heart in fled of Chrifl. AmongAbrahams offpring,Iu- dabwas chofen governour, and ofhim cviz,.CLi f, fhouid Shiloh corne, therefore his fa- Ge0.49,10. there formes were to d bow downe unto d ve him , becaufe of him_n e fi.ould be the rfe S. Prince. Of the tribeofIuda,David f was e iIhro. s, named, to be the Father of Chr fl, ac- fPfa.r;z,ia cording to the fleill; then were all to be- act. z,3o. lecue in Davids forme , for redemption "m. I,3° from finne, and lifeeternal!. In fulnes of time the Mefliah Iefus came, andwas born g ofMarie the virgin, according to g LWkei. E5 the