Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

- " ·· The Cot1tents. ' _2. To tt'hat good they foal/ worl{~ 3· To who111. 4· How theyjhall(wol·ftfor good. . . 5. That they fhaU _work. fot· gold to thent ·that lo~Je God. ~ ' Proved in 3 Propofitions. _ ' I. T~e Providence ofGodgov_ertt.r the world. 2. The ,dejign ifPro·videttc.e (M _tl 'the Elell) is' the 4:cco!'lplijbment of GodJ good pur- , pofe a.1td Pro'mije, --- · 1 . -B· ~rpvidence fJall not fail of ttcco?Jtplijhing itJ end. - Tw(} Cautions. · , Two objet1infti ·anfnlered. , . . / . Ob .. 1. How can the re1JJOV4l of the Go:fp~l, and the Milti}lry ofit, be imagined to worft for goor:/? . .. Anfwered. ' · . / .. Ob. 2. Suppofe a ,y4int to fali into diflratli · · 011, and .fo live and die, what good caH. pojfiblJ be wrought out of this ? . ,.- Anfwered: · - Twoparticular Inferences. . 1. Rejoice in the Pronlife· of Goc_l.. . . ~.• Lay yourje_lves down quietly· andpeacea· b.~ l.J under it. - _ . · . The General A_pplica tioti. _: .• .I• 7'o the ungodlJ, per[wading tbem, _and ai· ' tbenJ how tQ g't within lhk Promife. . , . -- of • i ' • '