Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

were a poor infuflic.ient portion .: Let. your So~!.s (ay, H~w [mall an handful [o~pcr JGUJut:&c of ttJH J,arrb, it uenough, Chrift is nzznt : f\ d1fcontct~ted Chrifban fay::, Chrifr i1 not e·nougb, He«vcn if not , ~11ough: Let the C~ntentation of thy Sptrzt, dedare . before theWorld, ,that the Lines are fizllen r~ thee i~t; fl pleafant place, and ~hat tbo-u h~tjt agotJd!.?, Heritage: Do not pur this Scorn upon God, and 9'lory~ that thou nu!fi be beholding to the Devil, to n1endthy portion. . , , · . ·Chriftian, either thon (lr.r within the Promife, or a fhanger ft'Om it : Either thou haft the God ef feace wi t h thee, or not: If nor, methin1£.,s, thoti !hould"fr find other rnatter_to takeup. thy Thoughts, atid not have leif4re to perplex thy felf with every t_rivial want; that thy meat,. or chy drink,or thine .)toufe, pr the carr,iage of thy Friends towards thee~ , ~re hot according to thy mind; thy Soul, thy Sou~l 1 man, thy life' is in ~anger. Oh what an Eternity art thou like to have of it? CanH: th~u want a GoJ, a €thrift, an Heaven, and thine Hea1·r never !l;ir,at it? ft:nd is the di!fa~isfaetion of~~y v~in rn;nd or appe~ t~tefuch a ~urthen? Is the D1velu~ rhy heart, and, i~ never moves thee ? and f.hall an ill Neighbour bo. a vexatio,n to thee ?Canfl: :hou feel a Feather, w.hen. ~\hon hail: a, Talent upon thee~The Curf~.)the Gurfe!– ()fGo~ ·is· up?n thee : I cannot .wonder ~_thou J .. fhquld fr be difCOJltent ; but 01eth1nks thde frnall :J~tters~ bya ma11 in thy 'cafe, fhqutd ilOJ: be'mind~ _lf Chrift anq the Pa.·on~ife be thine, is nnt 'that e-:– ~qugh?Are not ~l~ things ~nough?,God is all thil1gs~~.e that hath the fon.)hath not only,with him,but i1~ ~~~1) ap things: ,..\re all things nothing with thee, "t , ·· . . . ··· , ' · · · · :. · -· · ' what ~ t ; ......