Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

(99) ' be hdly, fninlble; meek, mortified,fd f-denyirig)cru• r cified to the world; heavenly minded; .~H this yot• mufr be, ~r you tanriot be pati-ent. Patietit and proud? patient and P,eeviili? patient andunmorti• fied, e_are blie-triinded; a fel f-fieker·? Th!s is as great ' acontradietion; fl.S to be proud and humble, flefh.:. Jie_and fpiritu~tl, eai-t_hlie andheaverllie, a Ch riftian. and. no Ghrifl:ia~t If eve~ you will' bipoffdfor~ of this grate; you muii: be partakers of all grace. Get: it believitig, brdken, felf-denying heart; get your .fpirits furriiihed with the love of Ch rill: 1 the hope of the) Gofpel, ·the conternpt of the World; I liv·e ~hove ~n the other World: Let Chrift; 6ldry, Mo· nour, Immortality, be ~he porrion of your Souls~ it1d the pleaftire ofyour li\le», ifever youwdtild be , truly pa~ient. _ . . . . , · 2. Td :Chri{1ianity in tht height of it. In p'rtffini you to Patience; I an~ hereitl preffing you toge·t. ~Jfuran~ .. Witho~1t affitr:ance tho.ugh,.pat~ence : be pollible, yet you l .fin~ 1t bdth dtfficult and·very imperfe&.; 1 . · , • ~ _. , ·. . · • What Patience, when I I quefiion /.wheth,er ril1 fins be forgiven ·' whether God be recooc.il1!d,and be ndt dealing with tne as an enen1ie? What Pa• tience, when I doub~ \VHet htr lliy aifiiB:ions he\ndt trhe penfiori of a bafiard, rather than the portion of. ·aSon? when I am not fur_r,btit n1y ptefentJutferingg are Cent to earry rite ddvln to ererna.l ' fnfferings? I a.m in miferie and perpttttal tdrmerits : ti~v~t a day without its evils; I can fee no enddf it, nor it t.uai be never iliall; this or worfe m1y l,aft fdr ever~ O.Ii if I w,ere fure it would be well at laft, I could be quiet, but for ought I know,.~ the Fur!utcc I an1 int · H ~ may