Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

(107) . }3ef}de~, ~his· !s the feafon, whet1 ordinarily there ~re m?H l)lentiful illa_P.fes,and incbt;nes froiu abov~e God letdom fends fuch tokens of', c;s to ht$ Children in pr,i(on. The Jigh t ro-f 'his ~ouiuenance r~ often r'~fer\'~~ for the~r darke~ e~ate, he fets tQ his $eal, when the wax -is.on fire. Ther~ have been Chrifiians tha~ wo1.llq ·neyer ' beli~N'e that they were fuch, till God ~1atli told-it them at the ~ake; the highdl joyes,the fulldl:.fe11ce ofeverlafting kin~nef$ · l1avc be'en n1oft ordinarily-the portionof Gods M~r- . Jyrs. \tYhen HeU is let.loqfe upon tb~m, then Hea..; ye~l ;s 'n1oft o1,en. Mauy Chriil:ians have · met wit4 fu_ch refrefi1ing~ in their bonds,. that their. ~nlargement hath been their Prifon .. · . ! If this be fo Chri!t ians, whowo~ld fear fufft:r• ings (who would n~t be patient? _WOt\ld it con1forc you, to know that God is your Father? Be patient, ~ng you ,f,ball know itQvVhat ·ould you not be'lr, .fo y~t~ might ~e f,ur e you · ar~ the.Lord:i? It inay , be you have been held under doubt and fears, and faa 4ncercaiqti'es, l~itheao aU your ~d~yes; yotl pave gone_about f rom duty fo duty, fron1 Ordinance ~o 9rd i ~ance, fron1 Cbrift iait eo Cbrijr ian>epqt~i~ing, ~nd .Ol.Ollflling, ~nd"· COIDplaining, at~d cryiilg put~ Qh tfl were fure that Chrift w~re nline ; ' that n1y faith, ancfnlJ.l9ve, an~ Jriy.'hop_e~ ,and ~y obedi:.. ' once were foufl~, and finccre, fuch as would pr~v~ · n1y a'doptioB, then I coul.d be·quiet : 'flhy, if ev(r Pod calls thee tq Suffe.dngs,follqw hiln chearfully: H_e. ~a~\s thee q~c, tp prov~o thee, chat ~h()U lov''ft lum. fear not to go up ,with hilu on the Crofs, Af– 'furanc·c ~s a frQit,. -thai: , u1 o~t ordinarily grows ot~ that Tr~e · .. : ,: · "' · · ... ··· ' · ·" , t!·:" ·· t ~ ;,, Let