Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

/ , (112) ing' Fieb.' i2. 1 t. No chajhting fo'r ifje prtfent i:s "j'ij· . o~U, but grievoUf ; but after'Warrls it yieldeth the pe4ce– .. ttbl~ fruit ·of' ~ighteoufnefs, to them that are exercifeJ. th~reby. ' : . . , . Oh wh.en yo~ fee the Fruic)where then will your Sorrow , be? 1 oh. 16. 21. A Woman ,when ft;e i.t .in Travail hath Sorraw, becaufe htr hour if come ; bl(t 111 'foon ar ~e il eleliver'd of the Child, fhe remembretbn·a mor t: the angui(h , for joy that a Man.:.rh ild is·born into the World. . ' .If the J ..t; yof the Birth 'wil_l n1akeyou fo·rgtt, why fhonld 1'10c the bope oft he But:h .. malie yo·~ to ·bear ;the pai11 ' ? ,; . .. ' . . Beloved-,wou\d you brtn!! forth Fruit unto Gad, and will you nor bear the Plough and·the Ha r row1 Will you expefr an Harveft, and yet n1uH: God lee · ,you lye fallow, and ftill ,fo\_V _amorig T horns? Let me ask you~ and anfwer ,deltbe,rately .: woulq you ·be·n1ore holy than you are, m~re fruitful than you are,or would you not? If yq.u.would nor,y9u.are'no Chriftian; Si dixeru [ufficit, defecijti : 'f you.would, is that deiire conditional ? You would' inc reafe 1· fo it coft you not overmuch labour. and pain; that ae~ ,fire comes to juft fo much, as no defire at· all :Or is your de6re of an iuc~e,afe , abfolute? wou~d you be more holy,whatever tt coft you:Do you fo furprize~ ' arid love an hoiy,and fru itfullife~that yoLI are hear– tily content, that Goq fhould take his own coutfe . with you, lhould take any . co~rfe that's .needful, to britfg you on to it ?Gan yott freely fay, Oh Lprd, I ,: amweary of this trifling, I an1 weary of this ,dead and barren life ; Lord quicken me , Lo.r.d inlarg-e 'me, Lord perfett thy work;and fuHifl in me all th1 ·good pleafure pf thywill ? So 1 thou ·wile but . he~r . ·m'