Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

/ Direaio1zs ff!i' the Mornin.g'. t. If through ncceffity or carelefnefs, yon have omitted the readingand weighing thcfe Q.!.!.eftioni in the Eve'nir}g, be fureto do it now. 2. A~k thy felf. What Sins have I committed? ., WJ1ac duties have I or.nitted? Againft which ofthefe Rufes have I offended, the day foregoing ? And " ren-cW1 thy repentance, and double thy watch. . ~ I / 3 Examine whether God were firft and lafl: in thy Tholights, Morning and E\?en,ing. . . 4· Be·carefnl to fet thine ends right. for all the .d~{· An Advertifcment. · If you want tin1e to n1ake daily enquiry upon every <Jne of the.forementioned particulars, (they being [o many) fet a mark-- upon,or write out fuch of them, as rnott c:fpecially concern'your cafe, and let not the,m be forgotten. Think not thy felf excu.. fed from this courf~, be~aufe 'cis to? - long ; when, if need be:, thou may'il thus rmake it !horcer: Better cut fhorr, than wholly give out. For the bel p of the weaker, I fhxll gather out thefe few of the chi-ef Interrogatories, ·which ~hen · ~·hey are firaitn~d for time, they may only ufe; and t~ which they may add more as ~h~y have occ~fioil and opportunity. .l '