Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

.( ,1g,) ll · ·rea~ching for trnth, h~~h \>~~n, t4~ lofi of both love and life. . \ ' ChrijtifZns, if ever you woul? be any thing, be -one; be ·of one heart, of one mtnd,holding the unity of the fPirit if' the hqnd of Peace. It were gr~atlie to be defired, that the people .of God w~re both oJ, one heart, and of one 11a1· : ~ut if this may not be; ifthere cannot,be Vniformity, yet let there beVnity, benvixt all that fe'r the Lord in trueh. · " A few words I lhall leav~ .w'tb f<?U for your di~ (etl:ion h~rcin ; r • , . · 1~ Divide nQt frQm ~he Head, to unite with any'· pretended Members s hold not with them, that hold not with th~ Hc~d! Sell nqt Truth, cl~ar, fundamental Truth, tQbuy Peace! · ,· 2. Divide not from real Members, left you here– by prove your divifion fron1 the Head. Chrift hath but one Sody,ify<)u be 11ot in w1ion wi~h the body, . y.ouare divided from the _Ht:ad. · ' · · ' . . ·i· S,ee the ~ead ip \eyery M~mg~r t ,fee Cqrift' iq cve'ry Sait~t~ · . . I 4· ~rize Chrift where ever you {ee him. Love. Chrift~ and- love hi~ 'Image; if yo,u will not flight Cbrift, flight n~t any _ Sain·r~ See'fi tho~ an humble, meek, patient, br9ken-hearted, felf-denying, mor.:. ti~ed Chri.fiian ; in whatfoev~r unpleafing form(as 'o ilnu~~rs circu~ibn~tial) ~e appeliJS) defpif~ ~i~ fiOt~ r~~ea him no~~ " · ' · ...