Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

(148) up tbe P.rom.i[c-s for a Shield ~ . t~e very Commands and Inflztutlons of God)for a Shteld and Safe-guard to the Soul. · , ..... so-nletimes the Jen[e of guilt affails and weakens the heart~ le is not fo much any thing without us as fomething within us, that raifes our fears. Ho~ [mall a matter will fright ·a guilcy Soul ! Guilt will make every ftroke a flab .. It's the barb of the arrow . ' the venome on the dan,or the; fot·e of the heart,that n1akes every firoke formidable and terrible. 'Tis the guiltlefs Soul ~hat hath tour~ge, a~nd boldne[s. Hie '111UrU1 ahrenesu efto- ..... Nc:_nv agatnH thts dreadful Dat~t, Faith holds up a Buckier,,wich a Crucified.Je[ut, up· on it ; and fo that's quenched. . Sometin1es dark_1:1.e[s and tttncertaint ies, about the way that we are in raifcs our fear. A Chri.ll:ian that knows hirnfelfin his dury,in his way,is out of fear. Clearnets gives boldne[s. Whilft we quellion the warrantablenefs of the way we are in, every fhadow of danger will fhake us: A£~inil (uch fear~, Faith l~old$ up a Buckler, with this infcriprion, Have not I tomma1tded thee? It fhews the Command, ana in that, our warrant, and iu our warrant ow.r fecu– ruy. . . When we quefiion whether our 117.orjhip,for which we are like to fuffer, be right or no, Fa_ith holds up pn lltftituti6n for our Shield. . . ·If this Fear (oh I Chall not hold our, I lhall deny n1y Lord, and his faith, if pu~ to it)affaih the Soul; here faith holgs up rhe Promtft for a Buckler : He kath [aid, I willnot fail thee, nor forfnfte thee : fo tha~ we maJ boldly fay. 'the Lord il my helper. - · /