Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

(149) ~ 2. Forn1al\ie ; . Faith noc only lifts up a fhield, -but is our fbield ; The very believing in a crucified Jefus; the. very believing the Comn1and, the Jufii– ficacion, t_he pron1ife, fl:aies and fupports the heart, again)} whatfoever·may befall it; I hn.d fainted bu~ that I believed. .. , 4 Chri[tians, whatever your duties, difficulcies, de– fpondencies, ftraits, tentptations, affliCtions, weak- ~ neffe5 are; believe,andyou !hall be carried through; believe, and you fhall be eftablilhed : Believe in .· Chrifi) and you fhall dare to follow Chrift J believe in Chri!t, andyou lhall go through with Cbrift,and hold out to the end. Jjelievc, and you lhall neith,er. fear, faint, nor fall. Your Fai~h will both keep you ltU!tl~fl, and fa ve you harmlefl, and thereby fecure , . J.OU frc,n1 finking, and fainting in rYOUP mindi. If this be nor etl.ough; let me_ add, that Faithwill yet fcattei· all your f~~;us, by this double ACt: I. It will put your reward into )'OUr hands. 2. le will put allyour troublt~5 to a prefent end. { l· It will put y our reward intoyour hand; it tvill fet the Crown qn your head, even wh;.ldl: the Crofs is on y9ur back. Faith makes things to .come pre– {~nt, H(b. 11. 1. It is the fubfiftence,pr being 0 of things hoped for; it gives being to the good things promifed, before they are. Hope t;arries the eie to the obje8:; looks on things to ton1e, as t~ con1e ; Faith brings the objeC\: cq the eie-, looks on things to come,as con1e;it looks on. diftance of time,as God looks on. it ; on a thoufand years but as qne day.. It lpoks on Gods[~tying and ~9ing, 0~1 Gods promifing, 1 L 3 11 ~n~