Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

- -(l )6) "' And that, in fuch a time, wb.en they bad given th~mfdves to n1ore than ordinary praying, and fa– fling, and humbling thetnfelves, and repenting of their iniquities ; when they had fet their faces to– wards Sion, and ,were full ofhopes, that the Lord was about to build~, and 'to plaint ; t@ eaU out their , rt,tbbilh,to rtpair their rtiins,to bring in their peace like a River, and to dtablilh his Tabernacle a– mongfi them.Suppofe that in fuch a time, the Lord fhould ev~n fpit in d1eir faces, !hould dafh alt their hopes,and put into their hands a cup of trenibling; !hould bring tronble upon their loyns, and cau(e ' darknefs to cover ·their faces;fbould expofe then1. to fcorn and contetnpt,make them a reproach,& a by– word;fhould fuffer them to be tran1pled 11pon,as the filth 9f theWorld)& the off-fcouring of all things. Suppofe you ihould have liv'd in fuch times and .places,and have heard thetn co1nplaiping thus; All things work for good,why we fee all things fall out for the worfe; fo far are our evil things from work– ing for good,that o~:r good things have wrought our liurr. Not only our outward good things,our peace, and our plenty,but our fpiritual good things, have undone us,; our fpiritual Hberties, and .Privilegei, our Ordinances, our Duties, our Prayers, our Faft.. ings, our Zeal for the Lord of Hofis ; not only our tins,b~t our Prayers,our repentings,our reformings :have undone us. We ha~e prayed, and faH:ed, to good purp~fe; we have even prayed our felves into poverty, contempt, darknefs, con-fufion ; into tpe ft~ares that have been laid f9r us.,and into the h'Jnds i?f thofe that hate us. All thefe things are agai,nft us; ~Upurs fe~rs arecome upon us;allour comforcs,yea, ' and ;'