Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

(1.57) and our hopes too, are ruiling from us; .the whole courfe of Providence, feems to be drivenon to our utter ruin ; everyday, every hour, i~ gr,ows darker and darkrr; ~·worfe and worfe; every fpoke of the Wheel, ever•y turn of the wheel;rend:ers .our condi~ · ,cion more he Iplefs,and hopelefs. 'Our adverfari~s are_becon1e rampant ; our Soul is filled with the_ir fcorn and fury ; our friends·, are as a broken tooth, or a foot ·out ofjoynt;our hopes arc a Spiders Web, or as the giving up the Ghofi:~ the Almighty caufcf aB his fiorms, and billows, to pafs over us ; ono day· telleth anot-her, .one night certifieth~n~ther, and prophefies eo us_. nothin·g but deftruftion _upon de11:ru8:ion,defolation Ul)Ofl defolation; and where is the promife of hii coming? the hope of Ifratl is afieep, her Saviour is a frra_nger; the Ark of G 'od is taken, the glory is depat'ted, yea-, and ~od himfelf feemli to be gon over to the Ca~1p of the .PhilijfiHs, and ma·rching againfi: us ; we ·have waited for light, but ,behold ohfcurity; for brightnefs,but we walk ih darknefs ; the ' H;uvell: is pafi, the Sumn1er is ended and ·we ar-e not faved~ -- n;€ither is there yet any to -tell u_s how long. · / · - , · Suppo[e you_lhould have ftoo~ by _, and have feen or hea-rd any fuch things any w~e·re · in the V./ orld,woula you not have faid,can anygoodc~me out_of fuch a dark abyfs ? out of fuch a COf!.Catena.– tion of fo ~any dreacl ful and difmal Pr~vidences ? Why, by what lu.rh been already faid, you might have anfwered thus,Stay but a while, till the whol'e wheel be come \abput"till God bath brought off his work from che wheel; and then you lhall fee,Provi– _dence&the promife nfeeting together,& killing eack ~ other