Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

I , f (6) . 3-. That as far ·forth, as the [ucce[s hath anfwerd · ~ny Defign, and aim, upon any of your Sou1s, fo far forth Han'd you intitled to this glorious promife in the Text,theGod ofJu,;tce Jhal be wit'h'you.Look how many Souls there are amongit you, that live ih the I pc>wer and obedience of thofe troths you have re., ceived; to (o many can I with confidence give this. farewell of the Apoflle, without Ifs ox Ands, ~he God ~f Peace ilia!l be with you. -To ,who.t?Jfoever the Lord ' been a God of Gr~tce,to them will he – be a God of Peace. Whoever amongfl: you have this God ofGracedwellinz a,nd ruling in you, {hall certainly find thi~ God of Peace dwelling and abi~ ding with you ! As for all others, though I ~an hea~tily make this rpy parting Prayer, the Lord be with you, the God of Peac~ be ,with you ; yet I cannot ,turn this Pr4yer .into a Pr.o~nife, nor give yoti any affurancc, that the God ~:£Peace Will be w!th·you. , Thefe thing, premifed ~ I Gulf now give you the full proof of the Doctrine in the following Reafon~. The Doctrine you emember .is; thofe that obey thq CofpeU, whadoever, o~ whomfoever they want,tb,all ever be in apeacefull and bleffed Condition. · The Reafons arc, . I •. The God of ~Peace lhall be with .them~ : z~ lf God be with them, _all things wRatfo~ver . bef::dl them, !hall inake for their good. , , · . -~af, 1 -~ The God· of Peace tball b,e with them; thefe things do,li vein theobedience of the holy p.o– cSthne which you have received, a~d the God of Peace '{hall be, with you. This glorious Promife is pregnant wtth all, the blcffings· tha~ Heaven and Earth can afford.. . · ··· Uyo~ ask, why, what is there in it ?I ~ernanded -· , ef