Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

c 1~73) · thg ~ath its evening·; the hour is come wherein th• Sun is fetting;upon -~~~t a fe'"V oft he Prophets ; the ~ , fbadows of the eventng are 'ftretched forth upon .us; ·our d~ draws, our work feems to be at an cnd.Our. P~tlpie:; and our places muft.know us no more. ' ·' . ·This is the Lords doing, let all the earth keep fi...· lence before hin1. · It is not a light thing for me, Br~thteta, to be laid afidc: from the work, and c~ft out of the Vineyard oft he Lord· ; and it mufr be fon1ething of weight, that mull fupport under fo -fevere a doom. ' I kn<l>W there are not a few, that will add to the affiiltion of the afRitted, by telling the world, 'tis ~heir own fault,t hey might prevent it i( they would: whether this be fo or no, God kneweLh, and let the Lord be Judge. Bldfed be God, whatever be, this · is not lai d to our charge, as the reafon ofour feclufion, eit her in[ufficiency or (candn,l; . ' You are not ignorant, what things there are i_th• pof-:d on us) as the condition of O\tr·continuing our Miniilration ; which how lawful ~nd expedient fo• ever t.heffeem in the Judgment of many, yet have _ the moft fpecious Arguments that plead for then1, left me utterly diffacisfied in n1y Confciencc: about .them. , . ·. I ,muft profefs before God, Angels and tnen, that n1y non-fubmiffion, is not from any difloyaltie to / .. Authoritie,nor from pride, humour, or any fall:ion~t difpoiition, or·ddign; but, becaufe I dare not con,; tradiet my light>nor do any thing concerning which my hea-rt tels me, the L~udfaics do it l,lOt. . ; ' After