. . ' ' (t7) ' ' ' !, J1rd in God: ~hey are not found, when they ate, ~ found ; they are .hid when they fce'm t0 Iye_ moH: , open , and mofl: expofed to mens will , and luft.· ~. Sinners do not underftand what refuge the Saint's have,in God. It is agreat fecret,a myffery to them : r as tQe joyof the,Saints, the comforts of the .Saint~, . are a 1eCret; Aflranger [hall not meddle "With h~ joy : So is their fafety ot fe'curity ; they do not un– derltand what kind, norbow grea-t fecurity; what 'fure, nor what fweet repofe, the S~lints find in Cod. The feCl·et of G0d's ~prefence is a fure ' ~ and a fweet: refiing place, for all his Saints ; but how fure, ahd how fweet, no tnan knows~ but they that enjoy·it. Thefecre-t t'ntimatir>nj,of the care ofGod for them;· of hi's everlalling kindne(s to them ·; of his govern. ing hand,in all that befalls them, working it to their greater good ~ the fecret (apports and refreiliings darted in, as the beams of his Countenance; their fecretfence, that their head, thei~ main, is in fafety, · though ·they have bruifes in their heel, will yield fuch reft in the day of greatefl adve,r(lty, as men can neither fee, nor take frot.n thern. ThePill.ar of che Cloud interpofed , did both hin·der · the Eg;ptians pur[uir., and ,hide fr~tn t-heir eyes; the comfort of · · that light Which !hined upon the Catnp ,of lfrael~ MtJfes .knew what the co'mfort of ("icd'£ preCence meant, when he fa id', Exod.3 3. 't 5. Ifthjprefence go not w~'th us,catrj us not hence.'Tis(if cpnfideredj '-- a great word. Ifr~tel vvas then ina Wilderndfe; amqng wil~ bea11s, amongbriars, and thorns, in a · weary pilgrimage ; hut they had God among them? The Lord was carryipg t.hem to Canaan- ,the Land , of t.hcir refi ,a L3nd flowing vvich milk& hon~y:buc J,.!ofts p rayes,ffthy~prefente go not with us ,carry us / c; jj!().- , . \ I . '