Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

. . ' ' (t7) ' ' ' !, J1rd in God: ~hey are not found, when they ate, ~ found ; they are .hid when they fce'm t0 Iye_ moH: , open , and mofl: expofed to mens will , and luft.· ~. Sinners do not underftand what refuge the Saint's have,in God. It is agreat fecret,a myffery to them : r as tQe joyof the,Saints, the comforts of the .Saint~, . are a 1eCret; Aflranger [hall not meddle "With h~ joy : So is their fafety ot fe'curity ; they do not un– derltand what kind, norbow grea-t fecurity; what 'fure, nor what fweet repofe, the S~lints find in Cod. The feCl·et of G0d's ~prefence is a fure ' ~ and a fweet: refiing place, for all his Saints ; but how fure, ahd how fweet, no tnan knows~ but they that enjoy·it. Thefecre-t t'ntimatir>nj,of the care ofGod for them;· of hi's everlalling kindne(s to them ·; of his govern. ing hand,in all that befalls them, working it to their greater good ~ the fecret (apports and refreiliings darted in, as the beams of his Countenance; their fecretfence, that their head, thei~ main, is in fafety, · though ·they have bruifes in their heel, will yield fuch reft in the day of greatefl adve,r(lty, as men can neither fee, nor take frot.n thern. of che Cloud interpofed , did both hin·der · the Eg;ptians pur[uir., and ,hide fr~tn t-heir eyes; the comfort of · · that light Which !hined upon the Catnp ,of lfrael~ MtJfes .knew what the co'mfort of ("icd'£ preCence meant, when he fa id', Exod.3 3. 't 5. Ifthjprefence go not w~'th us,catrj us not hence.'Tis(if cpnfideredj '-- a great word. Ifr~tel vvas then ina Wilderndfe; amqng wil~ bea11s, amongbriars, and thorns, in a · weary pilgrimage ; hut they had God among them? The Lord was carryipg t.hem to Canaan- ,the Land , of t.hcir refi ,a L3nd flowing vvich milk& hon~y:buc J,.!ofts p rayes,ffthy~prefente go not with us ,carry us / c; jj!().- , . \ I . '