Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

. (li) ~ t,bings, all the fufferings and affii£tions of t~e~aiQ.~s; ~nd not onely tbefe, but all things elfe whatfoever, I that in the .whole courfe of prov~dence be.rtheir lot: or portion : all the dealings of God with them , all the difpenfatiofis of Providence towa'rds them, iball all work for thei.r good. ' J 2. What is tha~ good , which thefe .things work to the Saint§; or in what fence all things may be faid ,to work good to them. The fence in general is this; They lh,all all wor~ t9 their welfare ', >-hey £ha~l all happen to then{ for the better : there lhali nothingbefall them,but o9e time or other, they iliall ha.v.e reafon to fay; 'Twas wcll 'for me, tha.t it was thus with me. The wifdorne and goodne(s ofGod, -did cue out fuch portions continually for me, did lead me thorow fuch a (eries and fuccdllon of caf{s and events, which though I couLd not ut1derltand, yet now I fee thac e'very conqicion, every contin– gency .and bccurrence of my life, through which ~ ' Providence led me,- was ufefull , and could not well ' have bee!l wanted, but it would have been . ~he worfe for me. l"hus- in the general. . .: · Particularly, for the fuller underllanding what good it i$ that all thing~, to con(lder; That.there is a,Twofold good of the Saints; Sttch as they obtain and enjoy, whilelt 'they are in via, in their way or . Courfe ; or fuch as they D.ull ob-tain , when they ar~ ;;~ termino: whef.l theyaregonen to the end 'of their way, when they are come t? their place. Or thus, There is a Three-fold good of the Saints, ·~emporal. ,Spiritual~ , , Eternal~ .· , . , I. Temporat'good, or our hon/t corpa,ris, the out- . C j war<i . . . - l .