Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

(~' {) good . ~ Ho t11al1 be depriv,ed or k~pt thort o( no~ , th)ng., but what he haq be~ter ~e without tha·n ~aveo 1-:(e that is unfatisfied with this Promife ) it is either · , fromLuft or Vnbele.if; Either he cloth r1ot believe, ·that God is true~ unci will perform th~is Word :. or, el[e 'tis pecaufe his Lufl: muft be'fatisfied, though with the .denyal of Inis Reafon a11d Interefi ; he that ddires an Efl:ate in the world, Eafe, Pleafur~~ Li-. bcrty,or anything elfeuponany other terms,. but as they may be f9r his·reall good,. hath as much lofl: hi.s ·Wits as his Fai \h: an~ he that will take t.tpon hin:t to knoyv what'~ goodJbr him,better t~an God, i:nay as wel!.take uponhim to g0vetn the World. You may with as good re'!fon,deflre a Feavet, or a Drop– (le, that you may have the pleafure ofyour drink; as for the. ple~furcs that carnal things would bring you}n~ todelire them; when ~hey would' be a fnare to your Souls. · · .3•' To whom thefe things lhall work for good: .. ' T'O t~em that loveGod,to them that are called accord.- , · i·ng to his pu.rpofe. : To the people of 'God ; who, , 1 you fee,are here defcribed by their Election and Vo· catz'on,[ the ea/led according t.; his purp~(e]and their .. sanEtificatt'on_, [ they that love God' ] Lov~ is, as I . told y~u before,~hefu!filliztg ofthe L~w .LoveGod, and you w'~ll liv.e in the obedience .of hi~ whole ~ill ~ Thefe are the people, to whom thisPromife ,~s made ; prove ,your Calling and Eleeti'o~, ·prove - your Sant1:ification, and you may write your name~ rn P romife :All things jlutll work.,for · your goo1~ . _ To rhofe tliat are Re bcls, and Reprobates fr~nn 9od,aH things {hall work together fw evil. Whil'fl: ~l;ings hunful wotk together'"'for good to the Saints~ · , aH ~ / . I