Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

( J7) ,plain in thefe matfers, t~ac he that ·runs may· read : Lee the following Scriptures',amongft others,beconfide red. · ·· Pfal. 97.1. The Lord ret"gneth,let th~earth re:. . · joyce, let ,th'e ljles 6e glad. PfaJ. 67. I), I 6. The !-y~s ofall wait upon thee.,nnd thongivcft them theJ.·r Jtfeat in due feafon :Thou openeff.thy hand, and,ft~ttuftcft the dejiresof every living thing. PfaL36. 6'. , T-houpreferveft m't1n 11nd6eaff. Pfa1. 7 5. 6,7. Pro ~ot~on cometh, neither from the 'Eap;hor from the weft,'n~r from the South; 6ut God is,the Judge,_he putttthdown on'e, andfetteth'up anot.her. Amas 3:6• Sh11ll there be Evil in aCity, and the Lorilhathnqt do'!e it l Pfal.17. 1 3, t 4· 'JJe(iver mySoulfrom the T~ickfd,w{lich is thySword;from Me_n whichare tht Hand. The confeffions of thofe InfldeJg, Ne6uchad– .n,ez..zar apd Dariul., fpeak th~ farne, Oah.4. 3)'.All thf b;fo~~itants .ofthe EarthAre.reputed M notrhing, and he qothaccording tO hu will, in the Armyof hea·ven, a_nA ~.mong the r."nhabita~ts ()f the ePlrth,antl none cA'ttflay hk· Hand, or (ay unto him, Whttt doeft thou? Dan.6'.26. I mak.,c aDecree, that in ever] ' Doniinil)n ofmy Kingdom,Men tremble,and fear 6e~ fore the_ God ~f Daniel; for he u the 'lJi"ving God, ·~ndfledftifl.for ever; and his Kingdomthat, which (hall not'he dcProye·d; 1 and his Dom_inionfhall be ,even unto theEn_d:He del~veretp & refcueth,and hew~rl<_ctp Signs and Wonders t·n Heaven,and earth; J:VtfJ bath deliveredDJniel frrJm the power ofthe Lions• . ,But more dillint1:ty, the Lord governs tl/l inani... mate. andfenjitive Creatures,in their attions ; he or– ders the Scars in their courfes. The Stars in their courfcs, he marfe to 6ght againfl: Sifera. H~ ~overns · the ff::inds, and the Floudf ~ he Grix:geth· f~rth tl-e ' D 3 . Windi ' \ - . '