Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

I ( 41) J Chriftinns,vou have no reafon tofay,IftheLord be with me, why am I thus ?why fo puor, why fo pained, why fo perfecuted, f~ f~orned and trampled Llpon ? fure, if the Lord had meant my good, i~, would have been better then 'tis with me: No, no; 'tis becaufe the Lord is with thee' and means thee · well, tbat he deals in this 1n~nner with thee. .The Defign ofH-is Providel).ce t.owards ·thee'; is the ac"' complithment .of his Promife.' · · · . 3. )"'he Providence of God l11all neve~ fail ofac-' complifuing its end. _There is nothing wanting that ,might give us the fullelt affUianGe hereof. F9r, · · I. The Providence of God hath pQ.wer with it. He is the Almighty tha:t hath prGmifed; h~ that. ru ... ; leth in the Earth, dwelkth in the Heaven, and cloth whatfoever he will. Our God ~.·sin Heaven,.and doth whatfoever he will.! will wor~,ar!d who flue!/ l-et it l lf.f3 .Who can fiay his hand,or fay 'unto him, what tfoefl thou? were it no~ for our unbeleif, our cafe. would be fiill the fame, in greatdl: difficulties, as ,whet;l the Coafls are tnpH clear. We might fay of difficulties, as the Pfa!mij of darknefs; there is no dark_pefs with thef, to ·thee day a.nd night PZre both a!ik.ff. Difficulties are no difficulties with thee, nor is there differenc,:e b~twixt hard and eafie. He <;an , fa ve with many, or ~ith few ; and with none, is as .well as \~ith fome. We once read he had too many but never· that he had too few, to bring about his · Work. Oh how we do difparage the power 6f God, when our difficulties make us doubt ? Is he Godl ;tnd c.ot man ?Is he fpirit and not flefh? Wherefore · then doll thou doubt ? Whatever God hath faid he' condo: Believe he is·a God,an,d thou wilt never fa·y·~ ·How can there things ,be? , , , z. The / . . (