Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

I ' ' " ,· [ )C J , ' . ther than Light ?Is it not yet_mor~ fl:range, that any that pretend tobe Jet up for Ltghts, fhould be for D4r/tnefs ?·That the Prophets lhould be againfi ~rophe~yini;-? that the Pulpits {hould ring againlt Preachzng ? Some there are, that are not athamea ·to tell us, tnat hence come all our mifchiefs aad mife. rics; 'to tell us, and. toHand to it, that there's no,w: tn {uch a Land as this, linle .need of PK_eaching; that 1t had ·its ufe in the·firfl puhlifhing and p~anting , 1 the Gofpel; but n'ow that the Gofpel is, recei ~nd embraced', and competently unHerllood, there' n0w little more need of Pr,aching: Pra7ing, Readingmay now ferve the turn• .I would put i~ word or two to fuch. ~ · No need .of Preaching?Why?Is the end ofPreac ~11g accomplifh'd? Till the end be attained, t fiill need, that the me~-tns be continued: And was the erid<( Was it 1nens !nffruet~ onely, to bring them to the knowledge of Chrilr; 1 turn them·from Darknefs to Light ?·.Was it not their (onverfto11 alfo,to turn them frotn the power Sathan unto God? 'Yea, and their Edification Bu,ildingup in Hol1nefs to Salvation? Let thefe lowing Scriptures be tonfuJted, AEt.~26 .I 8,. Eph . 1 I, I 2, I 3. the Ap'ofl:le Pete~, 2 Pef.I.I2,t 3· · thofe Chriftians to whom he v\•rote, that he would, & he thought it meet io to do, toput thern t"n remem· hrance,as long as he Iived,3nd toftir .them up to their Dur ~ ; boug~h fays he,Ydu kJzow,and be ~aabli(hedin ~he prefentT.ruth:You fay,you need no more Prea/,the PreacHer can tell you no more than you a.lrcady; ~ri~ might not thefe have bette,r faid it when the .Apo(He acknowledgeth of them, that cheJ 'did l\now; ~nd n1ore than that,were efiablHb"d in · ' ' · chofe ' ~