Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

., cs.s> ·x. That the poor People of God, rnay fometimes be (as to the viiible Soul ..provilions) but in a poor cafe. Needy, and hungry,and thirlty, t.he~rhearts fainting, their tongues failing for thirH, and.their . waters dryed up. [If they feek water, and _tnere be noae.] . · ' 2. All the wants and £traits of th€ Saints1 ar~ before · ~he Lmrd. [Ithe Lord will hear.] ·ChrilHans, though thofe that ibould will nor,' yet he that can, will hear the cryes' of your Souls ; all your faint... ings, artd pantings, and longings for the vyater of li.fe 1 a!re before your eyes, and come up into the .eares of the Lorcd of Sabbath.· ' · · ·j. God ha:eh mo1Je wayes thanone to relieve the wants, and refre!b the bowels of his hungry ones. He hath extraordinary means for extraordinary ca– fes;. If they can find no common Ri-vers, he will -open, ot make new Rivers. The. high plaGes~ the dr¥- . 'places, th~ very R.~ck will yield a River,. whe:n Go~ ..:on1rtnand,s !t~ · ~ . · 4· Gods extraordinary Provifions lhall 1)-0t be .f(anty, aod penurious, but rkfi and plentifull. 'Tis ~notfomedrop.sror n~W and then adraught, a little ti@ Jtay (the longing, or. barely enough to' keep them /, -alive; he prepare.s.thenil River~, Fountain~, Pools, :Springs of. water, [I ;Nill open ltiver$ in thehigh '.Places; Fountains in the Vallies, /&c.] Wl;er€ver :they be cafi, in the high places, in the Vallies,if). the Wildernef~, in the dry Lands,- where\'er they be ·ta·ff;. I will caufe provilion·~noogh to meet tklem ; though tl-te.y.hav€ .n~ithcr Bag nor· D6tde; hor ;lny thing .to carry with them, th~y fhall not ~artJ; t~e . . River finll,meet,·them, Springs .tball arife ·andhreak ~rth _to them~ , ·· . · ' ' , , ). They ..