Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

( 75) pride, jolly amongrl thy Companions ~put in fuch - ~ , fe tious ~J efl:ioh: But what am· I ~tll this while? Let this thought, fawee thy fweet Marfel; fpice cqy · pleafant Cups,& be .the Burtheri ofth,y;me. .r-r.y..Songs: After thi~,Hell,Snarcs,Fi r~ and BrimHQne, the Ven~ geanceofEternal Fire.; 'Oh an I-Iea ven, 'aParadife, ~h my dearpleafurcs, oh my fweet Daughter, oh my merry days, .whatMortal cap part with you? I but . 'Nhat C'omes after ?What is th~re at the bottom ? } Look a little o~fore thee, .and .it chat fight tt~rn not . thyHomach,.fure .thou a~t fufficicntly hardy. t • .- Study thy cafe,and tremble; andwhen thou trem- , blelt, there's hope·thou w_ilt turn .. Think nQt ofRe– pentance, or etcap~ng fr_om thy ,finfui fiate, till thou fee and fear it~ We rea,d,/fa.f2.7. that Chrifi was fent, lo open thebliml eyes, and to bring oup the pri– 'foners out of P·nfon. If the Pri foners eyes be thut, 'tis to little purp0fe, that the Prifon dooti be open: 'Their Eyes mu!t be firlt gperl~d, ·-not oncly ·tha.t they may fee their way[out] but that they may fee them– fel vesFn] Prifon. Open thine Eye~, Sinner, ifever thou wilt efcape; open thine Ey~e Yp aJ),d fee where thou art '? Thy Fools J>aradife, '\'~herein thou bleffefi thy felf, is thy S0uls Prif9'0, where {hou art like to be heldunder Eternal Bondage. z. Give a prefe~t Bill o(t1 :vorce to {?Very fin.; huz not De ~tth one minute longer in ~hy Bofor:n. :.. Jf thou Iovtlt thy Lift, fay not of vny cl)e fin, 'l'{y– thing but Death fhall part thet nml me: No,no,t fo '. much as this, Yet a little while, .1/.itd I will/et thee gg. To dAJ, to day, t:f you ~Pill he~ r his voyce, bar... den not your hearts. . 4· Dread... it as HeiJ,' ttlat thy hope in Chrill, ihould ldfen thy feat of fin. Let ttot the hopeof ~ Sa-