Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

\ (16) -Saviour he ~hy damnation. Make. no~ Chrilt the Pa11clor of ftn; continue- qot in iin becaufe Grace' b~th' abounded• . . l • . " . 4~ .Break off from thy .Cornp,anio.ns-In,·,fin '{wile thou love ' them to the death? Chrilt and .thy ~·oul can never be .rb~uried, till thy' Soul ' ~nd.Si~ne!s be ' parted, Efcape for ._ thy life, . get t~e~ up from the Tents o.f chefe tnen; linger not. Thou art_ h~ld . un- . de:r the, power p_eviJ; by coras, and by k,.ko~J ; by th~ c~rdsof thy'Jinncs, ~a~d by the, kn~ts of thy' , Compamo,ns. Th~re"s t)o hope that the cord~ ,of fin· wH~ be.broken, till "the knots .of evil Companions\ ', beJoofed_. Si.nper , . thefe binding Cords will if thou look n_ot. to it , become whip cords to torment theel' Oh ·take heed thou never come to be Iafhed with . ' fuchknocted cords ! Thy ~ompat1ions in fin , as tli·ey now hejghten:. t'hy pleafures ) fo will they her~after ffiarpen thy . p'agues. Sinne-rs cQ.mforc , thefr ·hearts wich _this· thought , That if they be G'amned, the ·ythall' ha~e · flore ofcompa_nie! but let them know,That the fire . 1 of Heii will .bttrn jufl: fo much the cooler, for the nm1timdes tl1ac are there ; as the fire of thei'r.Chim.. neyJ. does , for the ,Gore ~f fewel. Whe,n ·tliou arc chan11cd-wicn the roarin'gofthyCompanio.ns i~1 the Ale-houfe ., .tl)ink ·.wh,~t ~1ufic~ their roarJng with .: thee will rriake, when youiliall all meet. in your eter- · nal Pdfon. Away fr'om evH cornpanie' ; you ' will remember hereafter, when "cis too late, how much, and with how little fucce£fe, I have laboured with yo~ in ,this thing, . _ · · , _ ,. 5. Baffle not Confc ience ·once more. · Awake._~ ved Sinner, ch~nn not thy Confcicnce' int6 .ftlerice, ·. qor da!h it our ·of countenance• Thv Cdnfcience ~i s . ) . tne ,._'