Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

(So) ) . de ol Chrifiianity. They are come to the thre01old of iavit\gFaith ; w'ithit) a fiep of lincere Godline[s. -., :They pave been profefling, and praying, and .ho.. ping, and wftbing themfelve~ in, and ye-t are 1 lhort ofit. They ln,,e_ ~~en enlightned in the knowledge of Chrill, have tafl:e~ of the heavenly gifr, ~ay~ , feltlomething 0f the fweetnefs of Chrill, hav~ beeh '. , n1ade partakers of the Holy GhoH, of many excel- . lent and ufeful gifts, have tafied of the good Word , of God,and the powers of the World to come. They h;tv'e fet out afrer C'hri!l, have left the blind and prophane ·World much behind them, have efcaped much of the pollmions of this world, .left many fins, taken up with many duties, have a nameamong the Saints, have fuffered many things for the Name of Chrifi, and notwith!landing all this, here thc1 fHc\{, they can·not give themfelves up fully to Chrill; fomething or other, either the World~or their Com– panions, or their pleafures, or ~heir eafc, or, their floth hath fuch hold on them, that they cannot, , U.l'i• rt[ervedlr,refolved!J,give themfelvcs up to the domi- ~ nionof Jcfus Chrifi,nay,it may be, they cannot tell why,yet they cannot do it. Though they can fay, I would be, yet they cannot fay, I will be the L~rd's •. The[e are near the Kingdom of God, but yet Chore ' dfit. , He that cahnot fay,lnvi/l be, 'can Ie!fe fay, lam the Lord's , , , But here I muft dillingui{h of two forts, of a!mofi Chrijlians. . . I~-· There are fomc th3t have re:tchcd to almoft, and are fiili reaching forV\ratds: the fl:ate of ft;::h is h~peful,tbough it be not fafe. Oh that wee could fee more fu;h a/mo[t Chnfts'ttns! , 2. There ' .. \