Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

of Chri{t J}eakj1tg in me, wbich toyouwar~ !_1 trot wea'w but it mighty inyou. ~bough he wa~ crucqzed th-rough wetZ/tne[s, yet he livetl1 by the power ofGorl; for we alf<~ are weak,. in him, bt/t we jhall li1u "With him by the 'polPer of God. (Ye feek a /proof ofQhrii~ ·~peaking in ry1e,) ye put me to prove that I am aMuuUer of Chdft; why, here's ·rhe proof of It, My preaching bath not been weak, but Jnighty in you; lu hath been fo~-. Iowed and attefted~ by thepower_ of ChriH·, which hath wrought .111igbt'lly in you; as weak as we are, yet tl}e power of Chrift ·hath been n1anifefied and m.agnified in us. Doefi thou feek a proof.of chy Chrifihl}liry? why, here,mtdl: be t.he pr9of, that though thou ~rt weak of thy felf, .yet thou livefi in the power ofGod,which is mighty in thee. Though thou eanil: do nothing of thy felf, · yet thou art a– kle to do all things through Chrijf . which jfre11gthens .thee.. . .. ·. . Th<Jt' fayft, th·ou art willing, but thou art weaft; thou defirdt to be, 'ahd .to do, what God would have.t.hee, but t~ou canft no~ perform. · Thts maycomfort and fupport th~e t:nuch,under thy faJ lings and mifcarriages in ' fo~e particular du– ties; but if this be tl1y cafe in ordinary, in the main of thy life ; that to wi ll 'il all thou haft, thou art not a Chrifiian. He that hath,not rbe Spirit of Chri!i, is none-·of pit. And he that the Spirit of Chrift, it is in him as the living power CJf God,aa:ually car– rying him orrin an holy rife. Ezek. 3·6.27.1will put my Spirit wifhinyo11, aHd caufeyott to wall{. in my St4futes ; anrJ ye Jhl1ll . f\."ep my judgements , ancl d() them. ... I G4 -1 \