Alleine - BV4920 A44

erieJ oft it can be fpoken, That if be wajb tbee not, tho~ bajf; no part in him, ]oh. r 3. s. That if thou liveft after the flejhJ thou }halt die, Rom. 8. I 3· That except tbou be converted, thou fhalt in -no wi(e em~ : inN th~ kingdo•n of heave "Ill, Matth. IS. 3· and·he abtdeth fatthful, he cannot deny himfelf. Beloved, as the irnmutabJe faithfulne :s ef God in his promife andoath, aff.Jrd believers firong confolati)n, Htb. 6. 1 8. fo they are toUnbelievers, for ftrong confiernation and confu– fion. 0 1inner, tell me: ';Vhat fhift dofl: tho:l n1ake to think ·of all the threatning-; af God's word, that fland upon record againft: thee ? DoH thou believe ·their truth, or not ? Ifn0t, thou art a wretched In– fidel, and not a Chrifiian; and there~ore give over the name and hones of a Chriftian. But if thoudeft £ . believe them, 0 heart of fteel that thou haft, that canft walk up and down in quiet, when the truth and faitbfulnefs of God is engaged to dettroy thee! That if God Almighty can do it, thou fhait fl:n·el.y periib, and be dan1neJ. Why, man .; the who!e book of God doth teicifie againft thee.,· ~1 i 1 e thou re1naineft unfanch:fied: It conde1nnsthee in every · leaf, and is to thee, likeEzekiets roll, \Vricten with· i:1 and without with lamentation, and mourning) and woe, Ezek. 2. 1 o. And all chis i11~1l_furely come upon thee. and overtake thee Iieut. 28 , 1 5'· exce~: t thou repent. Heayen and eJ.rtb jh.dl pafs away, b~t o·1ejot or tiitle ~f tbk word flnll never puf.s awJy_, Mata 5. I 8. l'{ow put all this t06e~her. and te·l me- if thecafe of the unconverted be not deplorably mifera!::le. As we readof fome perions, that ha~ bound them– felves i:n an oath, and in a curfe, to kill Paul; fo thou mull know~ () finner, to t;lJ terrour, t~at all theartribute71 of the infinite God are .bound i;1an oath to de?roy thee Heb.3. 28. Oman! 'Vhat v;ilt thoa do ? \Vhither wilt thou fly ? If God~~ F ()411nikH~~1C¥ ' V