Alleine - BV4920 A44

. ' Ufeful .Qgeflions. . ·. ,; · . . For your Sins. _ Q. t .1Yothnot firi fit light? P[al. 38~ 4. Rom. 7· 14: ~ l. A;n I a mourner for the fins of the land? Ezek. 9 4· Jer. 9. r, 1, 3• · · ~ 3. Do I live in nothing that I knorP or fear to be a fi ; r>,. 1 · · · n. la . ! I 9. I 0 I, I 0 4· . For your Hettrt. . _ Q-! I. Have I been much in. holy ejttculatirms? Neh. . ! 2. ·h 5'. . . . .. ' . . Q. 2. Hatb not God been out of mind: Heaven out of fight? Pfal, r6. 8·. Jer. l.. 31. Col. 3· r, '-· · Q~ 3. H.tve 1 been often loo.~ing into mine o~n bedrt, ' and made confcience even Qf vain..thoughts? P~ov.3. 2. 3. PfaL I r 9 . 11 3. · ~ ·-+· Have not I given R'tty to the workingr ofpride, er paffion? 2 Cbron. 32. 26. James 4.· 1, 6, 7. ForJour Tongue. . . ·. · <t r ~ Hl/r,;e I bridled my tongue, and forced it irJ? Jam.. I. :6. and 3· 2,3, 4· Pfal. 39· I. · <t 2. Have IJpo~en .evit of no man? Tit. 3· =· Jam. 4· 1 r. ct 3, Hrttb the l4w of tbe lArd b~en ;., my mouth M 1: · fate i1J my houfe, 'rt'ent by tbe W4y, ~...,.lying d~wn, and. :c ' ~ rr 1 rngup. Deut. 6.6,7. . · Q. f· Is there no compt.ny r CrJme intfJ, hut 1bttve ' d~opped {om~thing !if God, and lef~ fome goo4favour be• ._ h111d? Col. 4· ~. Ephef. 4· 29. . · For your Table~ Q. r. Did not I fit do._n wirh no bigber end than tt heaft, meerly to pleafe my app~· tite? Did I eat ani drinl( to thegt()ry of Go.i? 1 C9r. I o. 3 I. ~ · <{: 2. WM not my appetite too hard.for me? Jude 12.- 2 Pet. I. 6. Q._ ;. Did not l ari{e from t.~e table without dropping. lrtytbingof God there? Luk, 7· 36, &c. 'and I 4· I, &c. ]oh. 6. · · · Q.. i· Didnot I moc~ G~d, ·r~Jben I pretended to crave _· - ableffing,