Alleine - BV4920 A44

't I o The Miferies of the Vnconverte-6/. diftraeted as the wilful finner, Lttk. I). I7· that go~ ~th on ~n his. unc<?nver~ed efiate without fenfe, a~ J.f nothtng atled htm. fhe man that runs on the cannon's mouth, that fports with his blood, or lets out his life in a frolick, is fenfible, fober and ferious to him that goethon fiill in his trefpalfes, Pj"at. 68. 2r. For be jtretcbeth out bi-s band· againft God, an1. ftrengthneth himfelf againft the Almighty: He runneth ' upon him. even upon bk n·eck, upon the thick bojfes cf his_ buck?er, Job I)· 2),26. Is it wifgom'todally wtth the fecond deatH, or to vent.nre Into the lake that burnethwith fire and brin1fi:one, Rev. 2 r . 8. as if thou wert but going· to wafh thee, or fwim for t~y recreat.ion ? • Wilt thou, as it were, fetch thy vteze, and JUtnp tnto eternal flames, a~ the children through the bone--fire? yvhat iballI fay? I can find out no expreffion, no comparifon, whereby to fet forth the dreadful di~raction of that foul, that ihall go on in fin. · · Awake, Aw~'ke, Epbef. >· 14.. 0 fi&~ner! Arife and take thy flight: There is but one door that thou rnaye!l: fly by, and that is the ftrait door ofconver– fion, and the new birth. Unlefs thou turn unfeigned– lyfrom all thy fins, and co1ne in toJ~fus Chrift, and take him for the Lord th.Y righteoufue~, and walk in him in holinefs and newnefs of life : As the Lord liveth, it is not more certain that thou art nowOlit of hel1, than that thou fhalt \~ithout fail be in it, but a few days and nights from hence. Oh, fet thine heart to think of thy cafe. Is not thine everlafting mifery or welfare -that \vhich doth deG~rve a little confideration ? took again over the mi(eries of the uncon1erted: If the Lord ha thnot fpoi?en by me') regard me riot ; but if it be the very word of God, that all this rnitery lies upoi1 thee, what a cafe art t'1ou in ? Is it for one that hath his fenfes, to live in fuch a condition, andnot to n1ake all poil1ble · · exped~tion