Alleine - BV4920 A44

·2 Miftake.t about Con·verfion: me, ifyou would but hearken to me, and fuffer m~\ to carry you over to Jefus Chrift! . ~J But, Lord'j ho't'/7 infuffici~nt am I for thk work! I bav( been many ayear wooing for thee, but the Dam(et l'r1ould not go with me. [6rd, wha~a·tMk hart thou {et :ne to do ? AlM, wherewith fhall I P,i~rce the ]C'alu of Levi.t.tban, or ma~e the heart to feel tbat ubard M a ftone ; hard M a piece of the netber .Milgoife! ·ShaU I go and lay my mouth · to the~;rtt11e, and loo~ .,vhen th~ dead will o~ty me, and come forth? SbaU -I anOration to the Rocl{s, or de- . cJ4jm tQ-the Monnta,ins_, -a-nd thil!k to move·tkemwith ar– gztmenti ? Shtz.lll gi;I)e tL~e ·klirtd ,to fee? From the begin– ning ~{the JfOr.Ld WM it rwt heard that a-man ~perud the IJef,/1!he blirtd; But tbou, 9 Lord, canft pierc_e .tbe fcales anaprzck the be~rt of the Stnner. I can but jhoot at ro– 'IJers, and.draw the b()w at a, and 4o thou direOl the ~rrow between the joints of the harnefs,_ and ~ill th~ fin, a1f,j. faile tb~ (out of a fi-nner, t.b.aJ CJtjts his ey~s into tbefe labours. · J3ut I mufi: apply my felf to fOU, towhon1 I am fent: yet I am at a great lofs. \Vould to God I knew hpw togo to work with you ! would I ftick at the pains ? God knoweth you your [elves are my wit– neJfes, how I h~ve fo~lowed you in private, as well as in public~, and have brol:lght the Gofpel tQ your dQors, tefiifying to yop tbe pec~ffity of the new birth, and perfu'lding you _to look in time after a found and thorough chang~. B~loved, I have not aCted a p~rt among you, to ferve my own adv~ntage: your Gofpel isnot yea,andnay. Have younot heard the fame truths, from the Pulpit, bypublick labours, by private letters, and by perfonal inftru– tlions ? Brethren, I am of the fame mind as ever, that holinefs is the beft choice, that there is no en– tring into·Heaven; but by th(: ftreight palfages of the fecond birth, that without holinefs you fhall never fee God, He b. x:.. 14. Ab, mybeloved! refre!hmy - bowels