Alleine - BV4920 A44

ves to onverjion.· rhe Kings and Mon2!rchs of the earth, fo much a– b'-'ve you, are but like the painted Butter· flies, a– nlongH: the reR of theirkind, or the fai.r coloured P~lmer-wonn a!llongft: the reft of the wonns, if compared withGod. As hecloth infinitely exceed the glory and power of his glittering dufl:, fo he· will, beyond all proportion, exceed in doing for his Favourites, whatever Princes can do for theirs. He– will give you grace and glory, and with-hold no good thing from you, P(al. 84. II· He will take you , f<?r h~s fons and daughters, and makeyou heirs of hts prornifes) Heb 6. 17. and eR-ablii11 his everlafiing cove:mnt with you, 'fer. 3 2. 40. He wili juftifie ycu . fron1 all that iaw, confcience Satan, can charge up ... ?n ys~, Ram.: 8. 33. 34· He wil.l give you free accels · tn~o hts prelence, and accept·your perfons~ and re– cenreyour prayers,Epbej: 3, I~. at1d I .6. I Job. f I 4· He ·vJtll abide inyou, and n1ake you tne men of his· fecrets, and hold a conftant and friendly commu– nion with you, Y:oh. 14. 2 3. and I ; • ·t;. I 'fob. :c, . 3· His ear fhall be open . his door open_, his fi9re open at all times to you. His bleffing lliall reft upon you,,:– and he will make yol.!lr enemies to ferve you) and ·workabout all things for good untoyou, ·Pfal. 1 : 5'. 13. Kom. 8. 28. 4· Tbe term1 of mer~y are brought M lo'Pl' M poffi~le to you. God hath Hooped as low to finoers, as wtth 1 honour he can. He will not be thought a fauter · of fin, nor ftain the glory of his holinefs: And whi-~ ther could he corne lower than he hath, urile(c; he ihould do this ? He hath abated the in1poflibl:e : tern1s of the firfl: Covenant, Jer. 3. I 3. M,tr. ) . 36. Act. r6.3r. and 3.19. Prov. 2.8.13. He doth not' impofe any thing unreafonable, or impoHibie, as·a condition of life upon you. Two things were:nel-, celfary to be done, according ,to the tenour of the.firft Covenant) by you: 1. 'Ikat lorlfoQuld f~liy fatHje