Alleine - BV4920 A44

' ( ; ) / A. Chrift executeth the Officeof ..a Pro; phet in revealing to us by his Word and Spirit the.Will of God for our uSalvation. uJob. i: 18'~ Q How dotb Chrift execute the Office of a I Pet. r. to, Prieft? I . 1 I, I z.. A. Chrift executeth the Qffice of a Job. 1 ;. x s.' 'Prieft in his once offering up ofhimfelfa & 2o. 3 h Sacrifice to fatisfie Divine w Juilice, and wHeb. 9· 14: reconcileus to x God, and in making CGn28. tinual Interceffion for y us.· x Heb. z. 11-. . Q How dotb Cbrift execute tbe Office 'of a yHeh.,.z.4·2'J: l\,ing ? . Z All.s I 5• I 4s · A. Chrifi executeth the Office of a King 1 ~' r6•. in fubduing us to z himfelf, in rulingaand a Ifa. 33• 22.. . defending bus, and in reftrainingand con- b Ifa. 32. 1,2. · quering all his and our c Enemies. - · c 1 Cor. I 5·2S•. . Q. Wherein did Chrifts Humiliation confift? P(at. I Io • .A. Clirifts Humiliation confifted in his througheut. · beingborn, .and that in a·low dcondition, d Lu~e 2·1· made under thee Law, undergoing the mi- e Gal. 4· 4• feries of this f life, the wrath ofgGod, and f Heb. 1 2. 2,3.· the curfed deathof the b Crofs, in being Ifa. ;;. 2., ;. i buried, and continuing under the power gLrk. 2 2· 44·· of death for a ktime. · Mat. 27·. 46.- Q.: ff/berein confifts C~rifls Exa·ltation? . h Phi!. z. 8. · ~ A. Chrifi:s Exaltatipn confifteth in his i i Cor. 1 )· 4..·. rifing again from the dead on the third l kAct. 2. 24, day, in 'afcendingup into mHeaven, in fit- 2 5,26,27,3 I~o . ·ring at the right hand of God the n Father, I. 1 Cor. r 5·4· and in coming to judge the World at the mMar.16.I91 laft o day. · , nEph. 1. 20. Qi... H~w are J~Pe made Partakers of the Re- o ACls ·I. I I . demptior~. purcha{ed by Cbrift? · & I 7• 3r. . · A. We are n1ade Partakers of the Redemption purchafed by Chrift, by the· ef- . .. fett~a._l .application ofit topus, by his holy P1rJJ. I·. 1 r, ., qSptnt. 1 2.. ,,,, Q.. Ho~ dotb tbe Spirit apply t~PA : tbe Re- q T~t. 3• S·l! demptir;n purcha[e~ by Chri{t?