A. From the beginning of the World to the Refnrrecrion of Chrift, God ap– pointed the feventhday of theW~ek to be the weekly Sabbath; and the firft day of the Week ever fmce to continue to theend oftheWorld, which is the Chriftian i Sab- i Gm. 2., 2.·, ~~ bath. , . - 1 Cor. 16.1,2. ~ How is the Sabbath to be Sanctified ? Act. 2.0. 7• .A. The Sabbath is to be fanetified by a . holy reftingall that kday, even from fuch kExod. 2o.8. worldly employments and recreations as 10 • are lawful on other l c:liys,. and fpending I Exod.16.2 s, the ,wholetin1e in the publick and private :z.6, "''' 2.8. ExercifesofGod's m Worfhip, except fo Neh. 13. 1;~ much as isto'betaken up in the works of I6,t7,18,I9, necefiitv andntnercy. :z.o, 2.1, 22.. ~ What is for bidden in tbe fourth Command mMat. I 2. r, ment ? to 1 3· A. The fourth Commandment forbid- nLuke 4· r6. deth the oomiffiono.r carelefsperformance A{ls "' 0 • 7·. of the Duties required, and the profaning 0 Pfal 91-.T~t. the day bypIdlenefs, or doing that which 1fa.66. 23· is in it felf q finful, or by unneceffary E\e~. 21.. 26~ · thoughts .words, or works, about worldly Amos g, 5!· En1ploymentsorr Rect:eations. Mttl. ~· 13. Q.. What are the Re.tfons annexed to· the p ABs 2 0· 7• f~ttrth Commandment? · qEz...e(: 2.3·38• A . TheReafons annexed to the fourth r Jer. I7• ~4., Commandment are, Gods ai1owing us fix "'s, 26· . dctys of the Week for our own f lmploy- l(a, 58. 13· !llents, his challe.nging a fpecial propriety f Exod. 2o. 9· tn the.tfeventh, hts own example, and his bleffing the~ 8abbath day. / t Exod.z. o. I 1. ~Which is the fiftiJ Commandment? . A .. The fifth uCommandment is, [ Ho- u E.xod. 21'0~ nou-rthy Father and tbJ Mother, that thy days I 2.• may be long in the LanJ[ whi'b the Lord thy Godgiver/; tpee.] J~~ . ~.