13 <t_ What i reqttired i1 the fev.enth Com~ mandm~nt? - A. The feventh Commandment requi– reth the Prefervation of our own, and our ~e.ighb'?urs chaftity, in heart, f fpeech, and f 1 cor. 7. 2; gbehavtour. 3, s, 34· 36s Q. What is forbidden in the {eventh ~om· gCol. 4• 6. manlment? - 1 Pet. 3· 2. A. The feventh Commandment h forbiddeth all unchaft thoughts, words, and h M4t.I )·19~ aCtions. & 5· 28. Q. TPhich i; the eighthCommandment? Epb. S• 3, 4• A. The eighth Commandment is, ~Thou · /halt not. i fteal.] • ~ Q_ 'fFhat is r~quired in the eighth Com- 1 E.xo. 2.o. I S• mandment? A. The eighth Commandment requi– reth the lawful procuring, and furthering -the wealth, and outward Eftate of our felves and kOthers. ~ . k 'Gen.3o. ;o. <t What il forbidden in the eighth ComI Tim. ;. 8. mandment ? · Lev._. z ;. 3S• A. The eighth Comn1andment forbid- Deut. 22. 1,2, cleth whatfoever doth, or may unjuftly 3, 4· ;. hinder our own or our Neighbours \Vealth Exod.23. 4,s~ or outward l Eftate. Q.: ·ff?hich is the ninthCommandment? ' l .Gsn, 47· 14. A. The ninth Commandment is, [Thou zo. . /hJ.lt not bear falfe -witne[s again{t thy m Prov. 21. 17. Neighbour.] . & 23. 20,21. Q.. What is required in the ninth Com· ~ b..z8. 1 9· m.t.ndmen:? . . _ c.p 4· 2·8• A.. Tlae ninth Commandment requireth mExorl. :.o. the maintaining 'and promoting of truth 16 • between ~nand nman, and of our own, r. ZS!r.h~ a. 1 6. ~nd<?urNeighb~ursgood~Name,efpecially o 3 ;,1h • 12 • -~ Wltnefs~peanngp. _ p 1 I!) ,~ 4 •. .I ' 2C\ Q.. Whtt