Alleine - BV4920 A44

·T-he Ten Commahdments.· Exodus 20. G0 D fpake all thefe words, faying, I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the land of EgJpt, out of the houfe of bondage. I. Thou fhalt have no other Gods before me. II. Thou !halt not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likenefs of any thing that is in .Heaven above, or that is in theEarth beneath, or that is in theWater under . the Earth 5 thou ibalt not bow down thy felf to then1, nor ferve them: For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the iniquityof che Fathers upoh the Chii~ dren, unto the third and fourth Generati(}n ofthen1 that hate me: and fhewing Mercy unto thoufands of thetn . rllat love me, and keep n1yCommandrnents. · III. Thou fhalt not take the Natne of the lord thy God in vain : for the Lord will not hold him guildefs 'tHat taketh his Name in va:in. . . , IV. R.emember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; ' fix days fhalt thou labour and do all thy work; but the fevent h day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou ihalt not do any work, thou, Qrir thy fon, nor · thy da:ug~ter, thy man-fervant, nor thy maid-fervant, ' nor thy cattel, nor the ftranger that is within thy Gates. · For in fix days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is ; and refted the feventh-day, wherefore the Lord bleffe~ the Sabbath day, and kal•. !owed it. / V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother') that thy days · may be .long upon the Land which the Lord thy -God giveth thee. ~ VI. Thou fhalt not kill. ' J VII. Thou fhalt.not commit adultery. VIll. Thou fhalt not fl:eal. · . IX. Thou ihalt not bear falfe witnefs againft: thy