Alleine - BV4920 A44

X. Thou fhalt not covl!t thy Neighbours houfe, thoti fhalt not covet thy N:!ighbours wife,nor his man-fervant, nor his maid-fervant, nor his Ox, nor his Afs, nor any. · thing that is thy Neighbours. , · . I - The LORDS PRAYER. 0 ll R 'Pather which art in Heaven, 1-Iallowed be thy Nam~. Thy King:iom cotne. Thywi11be done on , Earch, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And· forgive us our debts) as we forgive our .debtors. And lead tlS not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, anp the Power, ~ , and the glory for ever. Amen. - THE CREED. I Be1ieve in God theFather Almighty, Maker of Heaven andEarth: And in Je[us ChriR: his only SonourLord, which was concei ved by the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary, fuffered under Pontius Pilate, \'Yas crucifi~d, dead and Buried , he defcended into * Hell; the third day he *That is, continued in tbe aroie again from the dead., he fb.te of the Dead, an-d afcended into Heaven, and fitunder the pol:Ver of Deatb teth on the right hand of God till the third day. 'he ~Father Altnighty, from . thence he fh.tll co1ne to Judge the qutck and the dead: I believe in the Holy Ghofl:, the Holy CatholickChurch, the Communion of Saints, the forgivenefs of Sins, the Refurrettion of the Body, and the Life Everlafting. Amen. - SOmuch ofevery quefl:ion is repeated in the Anfwer, as maketh~every Anfwer an entire Propofltion or Sentence in it felf, to the end the Learner n1ay further improve it upon all Occafions, for his increale in ledge and ~ie.ty, even out of the courfe ofCa lt· .