L The Nature ofConverfton. ' the merit and interceffion of Chrift, that prevails with God tobeftow on us converting grace.If thou arc a new creature,thouknoweft to whom thouow– ·eft it, to Chrifts pangs and prayers. Hence the na... tural affeCtion of a believer to Chrift. The Foal doth not more naturally run after the Dam,nor ~he I Suckling to the Dugs,than aBelieverto Jefus~hrtft. And whither elfe fhouldfl: thou go ? If any tn the World can £hew that for thy heart that Chrift can, let them carry it. D:)th Satan put in, doth the World court thee ? Doth fin fue for thy heart· ? Why, were thefe crucified for thee? I Cor. I. I 3· 0 Chriflian, love and ferve the Lord \V hilft thou halt c't Being. Do not even the Publicans love thofe that love them ? And fhew kindnefs to them that arekind to them ? Mat. 5'. 46, 47· · 3· The Inflrument is either Perfon~l, or Real. The perfonal is the Minifi:ry. I b4ve begotten·you to Chrift tbrou~b the Gofpel. r Cor. 4· rr. Chrift's Mini!tersare they that are fent to open .mens eyes, and to turn them to God, Aft. z.6. 18. 0 unthankful World, little doyou kno\vwhat you aredoing, while you are perfecuting the Meffengcrs - of the Lord. Thefeare.they whofe bufinef~ is (un– -der Chrift:) to fave you. Whom:have rou reproach– ed. and blafphemed? Againft whom haveycu exalt– ed your voice, and lifted your eyes on high ? I fa. , 37· 23. Thefe are the fervants ofthe n1ofr highGod :that fhewunto you the way offalvation, ACi~ I6. 17. a~d do you thus requite rhe1n, . 0 fo~!liib and un– Wife ? Deut. 32. 6. 0 Sons of ingr~titude, againfi _whom do you fport vour felves~ag?.idft whommake· youa widem0uth, &.Jravv out the tongue? I(. 5'7· 34~ Thefe are the Inflrutnents that God ufeth to convert: and f~ve _you, and do you fpit in the face of your Phyfic1ans'l and throw your Pilots pver-board ? Fa~ ther,forgive them,for they know riot what they do. . Tht