Alleine - BV4920 A44

The Nature of Conver_(ionQj x' infirn1itieswhich he cannot help, though he would, are his foul's burden, and are like the duft in a rnan's · eye, which. thou~~ but little, yet are n·ot ~ little · troublefome. [ u n1an ! Doft t~ou read.tht~, ~nd never turn in upon thy foul by ie1f-exal11tnatto~?] The fincere Convert is not one man at church, and · another at ho1ne ; he is not a t1int on his knees) and a cheat in his fhop; he \v1ll not tythe ~1int and Cummin , and· neglect n1ercy and judgment, and . the vveighty matters of the La -.;;· ; he do~h not pre– tend piety, andnegleCt rnorality, Mttttb . 2. 3~ I 4· But ·he turns froffi all his fins,and keeps ali God's Hatutes, Eze~. r 8. 2 L · thoughnot perfetlly (txtept in dei1re and endeavour) yet fincerely ; not allowing hin1f~·.Jf in the br.each of any, Ram. 7. I). :t~ov; he delight:- . in t~e word, and fets hin1felf to prayer, and opens . · his hand, (ifable',) and out his foul to the hungry, Rom. 7. 2. 2.. Pfal. 1 o9. 4· Ifa. ) 8. I o. · !..Je breaketh off his fins by righteoufi1efs, and his ini- , quities by fuewing mercy to the poor, Dan.4· 27• . and h~th a good confcience, willing in all things to . · live honefily, Heb. 13, I 8. and to keep \vithout offence toward,s God and n1en. ~-·;';· ·. 4 Here again you !hall find the unfouildnefs ofn1a.. ny profeit""rs, that take thernfelves tot rg-ood Chri... ftians. They are' partial in the Law, fifa.l. 2. 9· and t~ke upwith the cheap and eafie duties of R,eligion, . but they go not through with the vvork. They are , as a cake not turned, half toafted, and halfraw. It may be you fhall have then1 exaCt: in their words,_ punctual in their dealings; .but then theydo not ex- . ercife th~n1felves unto godJinefs: And for exmnin– ing themfelves, and governing their hearts, to this they are ftrangers. You may havethen1 duly at the – church ; but follow them to their fa-tnilies, and there you fhall fee little but'the world minded5 or if they have a rQa4.,.<?(family-duties, follow them to their ' c . 1/ .. , . c!Qfe~s,