Alleine - BV4920 A44

'34 The Natt4re of Converfion: upon it with this unwelcome falute, Have I faund thee, 0 mine Enemy! Reader,hath Confciencebeen at work,while thou· .haft been looking over thefe Lines ?Haft thou pon– dered thefe things in thine heart ? Haft thou fearch.. ed the Book within, to fee if there things be fo ? If not, read it again, and make thy Confcience fpeak whether or no it be thus with thee. · Haft thou crucified thy Fletb with its affeCtions ·and lufts; and not only confeifed, butforfaken thy fins·; all fin in thy fervent defires, and the ordinary praCtice ofevery deliberate and wilful fin in thy life? Ifnot., thou art yet unconverted. Doth not Confci– t;nce fly in.rhy Face,as thou readeft,and tell thee that thou livefi in a way ofl:·ing for thy advantage,that thou ufefi: deceit in thy Calling, that there is fome wayoffecret wantonnefs that thou liveft in ? why then, do not deceive thy felf, the;u art in the gall ofbitternefs, ~nd bond of iniquity. Dothnot thy unbridled Tongue ) thy brutiib Tn– .ten1perance, thy wicked Company, thy neglect of Prayer, of hearing and reading the Word, now witnefs againfl:thee, and fay, FPe are t,~y works·, and we "PPill follow thee? .Or if! have not hit thee right, aoth not the Bird within tell then1, there is fuchor fuch a way, that thoukno\\reft to he evil, that yet for fome carnal refpett thou doH tolerate thy felfin, a.nd art willing to fpare ? If this be thy Caf~, : thou 2rt to this day unregenerate, and inuft be changed or condemned. · ' · Secondly, Satan. Converfion binds the ftrong man, fpoils his Armour, cafis out his Goods, turns men from the power ofSatanuntoGod,Afls 26. · 1 8. .Before} the Devil could no foo·ner holduphis Fin– ger to the Sinner, to call him to his wicked Com– pany i finful Games, filthy Delights, but prefently t~ followed)ike an O.x to the Slaughter,and aFool · -- · · · · - ·· - _.. to