Alleine - BV4920 A44

TO THE READ -ER Th~twonld be fafe and·happy. I . F it were only pof!ible thou ma_yefi live h~re .tft~r and bt called to 4ccount in another world for wha t tbcu doft in·tbk, it would be tby wifdom to take the [itftft courfe, and not t'!) run the conjtant hazard cf h~ing dragged by det tb to judgment, bef~~ tl"u wert_ P'~epared to meet thy ~udge. But another Ltfe, and a Juogment to come, ire more th~n poffible: There -is •n.high probability, Jea M gre4t ~ certaintyas c11n wic}; ret~.fon te expeeled, that dtatb ~ill· not put an en.i to thy beint tbat tbcu ./halt live after the return of tby bo.ty to the eartb, and rb,'ftt tben thGu jh4lt be tried, ~nd f en• tencei to fuch an bappinefs or mifery, M will be btcom... pJrably g'feater than any thin,5, r.ay tban all thfm didjl ever feel or fee, hear of or ima,tine. T!Je[P weightj trtttbs · are taygbt and eftabtifhed in fome me.t[ttre by the light of . nature' but much more cleady ana jitmly by the oracle~ of Gad in t~e hcly Scriptures- Befides wbtt they fay ()f · the' diff~rent fl.ttes offeparatcd fouls, the)' plainly teach, an·J ftrongly aJTert, That God hath appointed a time i~ which he will judge the whole world, by the ~1e- -dtator Jefus Chrifi1- ' that that great Iv1ediator, who is God, as well as Man, \\'ill defcend from heaven, ~ttended by its glorious Inhabitants, with trium– -hant acclarnations to his .ro?al throne ; that a_ mightyvoice will cite all that ever dwelt on earth, to make their perfonal appearanee ; that that a-. wakening and commanding fummons fhall be pre– heard and obeyed by the .dead, and they, " · A 2. _. ~i~li .