Alleine - BV4920 A44

The Necej]ity of Converfion: with glory and immQrtality ? The employment doth not fuit him: .The Anthems of heaven fit not hismouth, fuit not his ear. Canft thou charm thy beaO: with mufick? Or wilt thou bring ' hitn to thy Organ, and e:cpeet. that he ~ould ~ake thee melody, or keep t1mewtth the skt~ful Q!!tre ? Or had he skill, he would have no wtll ; and fo co~ld find no pl~fure, -no more than th~ naufeous fto– mach inthe tneat, on which it hathnewly furfeited .. Spread thy table with delicates, before ·a languifh– ing Patient, and it will be but a veryoffence. Alas! if the poor n1an think a Sermon long, and fay ofa Sabbath, Wbat awearinefs is it? Mal. r. r3. how mi– ferable v;ould he think it, to be h~ld to it to all eternity? ; . Te hi-J Immutability, or elfe to his Omni· foienq , or Omnipotency. For this isenatled in-theCon.. daveof heaven, and enrolled i1 the decrees of the Court above, that none but t!;r: pure in heart ]hall ever fee Go:l, ·Matth, 5' -8. This is laid up t~ith him, ) ·and feded' among his {-rcafures. No;v, ifChrift yet . bring_ ariy to heaven unconverted, either he muft· 'get then1 L.1 'Nithout his Father"s·knowledge ; and · then where is·his Omnifciency ? ·or ~gQinfl: his ·will, and then where were 1isOmnipotency ? Or he tnuft change his will, and then where \Vere his Imn1uta·- bility? . Si~.ner, Wil~ th~u not ~~t give t~p th~vain hope of faved 1nthts cond1tton? Smth Btldad, Shall the. .eartb be forfa ke·n for thee, . or the rocf~s rtZ!Jved OUt ' of . thetr plrt ce? Job r 8. 4· Maynot I ., 1nuchmore) rea.. fon io with thee ? Shali the law's of heaven be r.e-1. verfed for thee ? Shall theeverlafiing foundations be oyerturn~d for t~e~? Shall Chrifl: put out theeyeof lns Father sOn1r11fctency, er fhorten theann ofhis et~:rnal power for thee? Shall divine Ju!Ece be vio– late~ f~r thee, ~ or. the btightnefs of th,e glory ofhis hollne1s be l?lemifhed for thee? On, th,e impof- , ,fibility,.