- -- - ---------------------------- JLrol\ing unto 'Jjefu~. Book VI. thofe Fathe;:Sof the world and of the faithful, let them fee all their children, and "let all their children fee them, and bring them all to my Throne; awaken the world, l~t them who have ilept in their graves, fame thoufand of years be now rouzed, 'and rtif<d. Imagine then, as if we heard the Trumpet of God founded by the ;\ngrls of God , and as the found of "it waxed louder and louder , that we- faw rhe Mountains skip like Rams, and the little Hills lik~ young She~p. That we faw all the graves in Churches, or Church-yards, _m Ftel~s, or Plams 1 or Seas fly_open, that we faw all the bodies of the dead begmmng tO {\tr, and 10 !l:and upon thetr feet, and prefently the Angels coming,_ a~d taking .all the Saints upon thei~ wings, ang fo flying with them through the atr ull rhe_y came to the J'hrone.' and JUdgment-feal of Chrilt: is it poflible that fuch a medtrauon lhould pafs Without fome und:ure of it on our fpiritS? if my ears lh•ll hear that. found, and if my eyes lhall fee thefe fights, is it not time fot; me to lay rhefe_ thmgs 10 hearr, that I may be found faithfulond well-doing I as fure as I have thiS Book m my hand I muf! be one of rhofe that ilJatl hear the found of rhe Trumpet, and away I mull: from the mouth of my grave, wherever} 0Jall be buried, to rhe cloud where Chri!l: doth lit ; _come then, how would I rife I as foul as a road~ or as an Angel of God I 0 my God! fer this home on my foul! 0 where's my Lamp? and where's my oyl? are all ready? and am I ready, furnilhed, and prep<~red to meet the Lord in the Air? Chri!l:ians! if we have auy Iif< in us, let us aCt and realize this 10 rhe life; 0 this would keep usclofe to Chrift, and to rhe Bmner of Chn!l:; who would nor rnar<h under rhts • • Banner, and adhere to him, that but reads over rhefe fummons of fouls at the !all: dreadful day. · -- SECT. IV. :. · Of Chri fl- and the St<ints meeting ~t the jndgmtnt day: +· F 0 R Cbrill: and rhe Saints meeting at the judgment day; no .fooner are the Saints lifted up, and fet before the Judge, bur thefe rhmgs follow - -- I. They look, and gaze, and dart their beams:" and refleCt their glories on each . other. Oh the communications 1 oh rhe darting of beams betwixt Chri!l: and his Saints l look as when two admirable perfons, iwo •lovers meet rogerher, their eyes fparkle, they look on, as if they would look through one another. So Chri!l:and his Saints at fir!( meeting, rhey look on, as if they W!Juld look through one another. And fuch is the effel'l: of thefe looks, rbar they give a luf!re to each other by their looks. Did not. Mofes face il1ine when he had-been -with God? and 0Jall nor the faces of the el~cr glitter and il1ine when Chri~ alfo looks·on them? nor !lay~ it there; but as they 01ine by Chrif!, fo lhall their lltine refled onChrift, and give a glory 10 Chrift, and this I take it to b< the meaning of the Apof!le, That when Chrifl- ]halt come, ·he jha/1 2 Ther. ,, Io, be .~;torified in hi& Saints; no_t onely in bimfelf, but in his Saints •alfo; whofe glory as tt come; from hun, fo a redounds alfo 10 h)m·; For of him.; and through him-, Rom. ''· 36. and to him arc aN things. 2. _ They admire at the infinite gloqr, and beauty, and dignit-y., and excellency rhar ts i·• Chriit. The glory they refleCt on him is nothing to rhe glory that is in !urn. Oh when thefe Stars the S•iiirs·Otall but look upon ChrHl rhe Son of righreouf~ nefs,_they exceedingly admire. So •rhe Apoftle, :when he]hall co•ae, heJha!l beglori· 2 Thef. 1. Io, jied m hu Satnts, and hefl•all be admired in all them that believe. All that believe , lhall break oUt into admiration ofJefusChrif!: they !hall at rhe lirft fight obferve fuch an excel\enql m JefusChrill:, as that thoy Otall be infinitely ~a keG with it: here we fpeak of Chrtil:, and in !peaking we admire ; but how will they admire, when rhey lhall not onely fpeak or hear, but fee and behoLI him who is the Exprefs image of G1d, and the Web. 1 , 0 , bnghmefs of hu Fathersglory? 0 rhe lullres that he ca!l:sfonh each way! is nor his very body more fparRJing than · t·l~~ -l)iamond before the Sun? yea, mo"re than the S,un it felf now ~ining at noo~y'? how _lhould the ~aints- but wonder at this ftg!n ? Oh rhere IS more b.auty71_and glory 111 Jefus Chnft than everrheir thoughts or -"mg~natwns could polllb1y re~ch; rbere is more weight of fweernefs, joy, and delight ~n Jeru; Chrif!, than. either the feeing Eye, or l1earing Ear, orthevallun-rcor. 2 .9• derflondmg fiwt (which can multiply and add Uill 10 any former thoughts) can - - · · po!fibly