Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book VI. Chap. 1. sea. 5· !Loolung unto 'jl~fu~. ~f< the Scriptum are exprefs for the afflr~tivc; ·not _b_u_t"_t1_~a~t-t-h~o~fe~Te~ts are truths, thatfins arefflrgi'TJen, blo!ad ~J4t, thrown away, to be remembred no inort, (i.e.) as to condemnation; but as for ex-ploration or difcuffion the Lord f~eaks univerfa!ly , that of every idle word that men JPeak_. they jha/1 give an account thereof at the day . of M.ttth. t,.36. 'i udg,ent. lf the ballance weigh down on this fide (for myyart 1am not ptremptory, but fhall ealily fubmit to the fpmts of the Prophets) yet thts mamfeJht1on 11Jall not be for the Otame, grief. rrouble, ignominy, or confufion of the godly ; bur one! y for the fetting up of God's ju!\ice, ·and that the goodnefs and free grace of God in Chrift .m.ay be made more illuihous. pow w1ll Cbn{\ then be ex>lted, when all .the world O!all fee his riglueoufnc[, and go~dnefs, his rruth and mercy,. no~ again meetin& together'. and kiffing each other I it w» fo at Ius fir{\ comtng, and 1t w1ll be fo at Ius Jecond commg; then !hall his jufhcc and mercy, his righteoufnefs and goodnefs be manifell:ed to all , in that by his own merits, no,with!\an~ing their ~ns, he ~ill bring all his Saints ro his heavenly glory. · 2. As for good things . whether good works, duries or graces, there is no quefliqn but all thefe will b~ that day produced, and laid open J. We fee Chri{\ enumerating thegood work! of them on his right hand ; for lWM An hungred, and ye g~ve me meat; I w.u thirjfy, andye gave me J•ink_; I IVM afiranger, and ye took.. me in; 11aktd, and Y.' Ma!!h. 2 s. 35, do~thcd me ; fick._, and ye vijittd me; in prifon. and ye came unto me. Ir ts true m 26. this catalogue we find nothing of faith, but ail of works; but certainly fai~1 is included, as the life of the Tree is included in the fruit; not onely, nor principally are works llereme.11ioncd for the goodnefs of the work confidered in it felf; but as thefe works did cxprefs 0ur faith and love to Jefus Chrift, in thJt by filth we could fee <...hri{\ in a poor beggar, or prifoner, and could .love Jeful Chri!\ in thefe poor, better than all our worldly goods, or liberties. I do not wo.1der that Pa11! ad>ifeth his Corimhians, See yeabound in thu grace of contribution to the Saints: .and that zCor. 8. 7· he prayeth his Philippians. A•d th~< l pray th.<t your love may abound Y" more ; And 1'~\· 'n:9· thJt he prayeth for his Thdf.1lonians , "'"' the Lord mai<e you to incrafe , and to ' 1 c • 1 ' 12 ' abound in love one towards another, and cowards all men; and thJt he praifeth God in their behalf; We are bound to thank God always for you brethren, "'it u mm, becau{e 2 Theif. •+ that your faith growerh exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all towards each other aboundeth. Chriflians! if we did but conlider that every duty done to God or Man, that every penny given to a poor m ked Sain1, that <~•ery cup of cJid w'ter given 10 a Prophet in the name of a Prophet lhould not lofe his reward, but ~his day fhould be reckoaed up, or drawn (as it wer<) into a full Inventory; In pri-· mu, For thu piece of ftlver given fuch a d•Y to fuch 4 •ne , Item , For thu piece of brMd fuch a day given to fuch a one, &c, Oh who WJUU not abound in faith and love? oh who would think any thing too much, too good, too dear to give to the needy members of Jefus Chri!\1 there is a charge latd upon Minitl:ers to pr"ach this Doctrine, I befeech you give me bve to difcharge my duty, arid to lay it, and leave it at your doors, where beggars ufually {\and; Charge them that are rich in chu 1vor Id .- - that 1 Tim. 6. •7, they do good, that they be rich in good workl, ready to di{fribute, wdfi,rg to ,o·nmu•icau; ,'8, t9. layinl Hp iu flare for themfelves agood foundation againff eh: time to conJe, th.•t they may lay h•la on mrnallife. You to whom God both given the riches- of this world,, as you would meet Chrill: with comfort, learn this Jdf~n > conri !er whether of thefe too reckonings wiH be more co nforrablc ar. that day ; /rem, So much given to fuch and fuch a reltgiou ; ufe I or fa much gtven towards fuch a Fea{\, and for the entertainment of fuch brove gaUanrs? fo much to promote the Gofpel? or fo lllUth at Dice, Cards, Horfe-race, I if one thould tell you, that either you mull: feed Chrill: in the poor, or you mull: !\arve in Hdl; you mull: eicher cloath naked Chnll: tn the poor, or you muft be laid naked to the fiery iodignltion .of the·Lord for ever, oh what !\rictnefs would you call this? but I recoiled my felf; if ChrilHet you at hrs nght hand; he will then recount all your charities, and all your labours of love to the Saum:. Y?U tlm are poor, and had nothing to give, he will tell you of your good works, tf 11 was no more, but at fuch a time, you caft a mite into his Trealury, and at fuch a time you carried a Letter for the Lord Jefu;; he will produce am! coinmend thefc pittances of your poor charities to all the world. :2. Nor onely good works to man; but all the ~hints duties to God !hall come i.n remembrance. _Oh then it .will be known who fervcd the Lord in fpirit and crtlth, and who dtd not; then Men and An~els lhdl knol'l , fnch 4 day rhis poor Rrr 2 Sllint