Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

fi.:oolting unto jjtlus. S•ims perforr~ctl Ji•ch aJPir.itNnl (crvice; every prayer in. publick or private, every 'teat lll~d for Im, every lob, or tlgh., every fptntual medttanon, or felf.examination every glance, ejaculatiQn, or looking tmto {efm, /hall be recounted by Jefus: It wa; Alt 'to; 4 . fai<iof Cormlim, tha~ as well huprayersto God, as hu 11lms to men cam• up for a memo– rial bifore God; cerrawly ~very duty m reference ro the fidl table ts booked in Heaven :and at this day the book bemg o~ene~, it will appear, that fuch a prayer thou madeft Mat. 6. 6. fuch a morning and fuch an eventng Jn thy clofer; and now will Chri/l fay, Did not I tell thee, that •f thou wouldft pray to thy Father in focrct, then he th~t Jaw thee in fecret, jh0 ,.[Jrew•rdthee openly? why now jhalt thou have thy reward in afull view, /will divulge ·here allihyfecret dutw, to Men mtd Angels; all the worldJhall know it, thy Pfal. )6. 8·. I told them, and thy te!l'rs 1 bmied them, lo here, are they not all written i;z my /JookJ 3. Nor one!~ ~uties, but graces /hall now be rehearfed ; rhy Knowledge, Faith, Hope, Love, fptnrual Joy; thy Fear, Ob:d•ence, Rcp~nrance, Humility, Meeknds, .Panence, Zeal, Perfever.ance fhall br fully dtfcovered; ume was that in the incenfr of fuch a Praye~ many fwe.e: fpices w~re burned.rogrr.ller; therein was Faith working by Love; thrrem was Humtilty, thrrem was Pauenc. mfubmmmg to God's will and plea– fnte, therrin was Hope of agracious anfwer in God's due time, therein was Holinefs. cant.~· 1• brokennefs of Heart, and lovr to others, &c. Time WM (faith Chrift) that I ga– theredmy myr• h with my JPices, that 1eat my honey;comb with my honey, that 1 both ac– Ctf!ttd and delighted.»'][elfin thy heavenlygraces; I Jh~llnever forget how thou didft ra– he..rt, my Jifter, m_y fPoufo; how thou doff ravijh my hMrt IVith one .of thme eyes, and wirh one chain of thy neck... Why, rhus /hall tl1e Lord fet forth, and tell all the wo~ldwhat gracious children he had; then will appear indeed the Meeknefs of Mofes, the faith of .Abraham, the Patience of Job, the Zeal of l'hine&, the Lo1·e of Magd,... /ene; and according to the meafure of grace conferred upon thee, Chrift will fer thee out; We commend'thegraces of fuch andfuch Saints at th;ir death, bt~toh lrt Chriffbia– «.on tllf!, andhio grae<s in me at the re(urreflion-day. , Thus far for the Exploration or trial before fenrence. NM. ~1. o4- :z.. For the femence h felf, then tltall the King fay to them on his right hand, Comeye bleffidof my Father, >nh~nt the K~ngdom ~repared for Yot~ from .the folmdation of the wor!d. Every word here ts full of life and .J.OY ; r. Come] tillS ts the King's invitation of his Saints to his Court; he had fummoned them before to his prefence, and now they :tl't about him,, h: will ~or part wirb rbem, they mull come a little nearer yet, they mull go with htm mto bts Brefence chamber; the manfions are ready, the Supper of the Lamb is ready, and now he begins the IPlemn invitation to his bride, Come. Luke 6. 2o,2I. 2.. Come :P blejfed of my Father] Chrift bleffed them when .he went up to Reaven, and whiles yet on earth he pronounced them bleffed many a ume; IJleffid ,be ye poor; ,Bleffid .i.e~e thllt hunger; IJ/effid arB ye that weep; but now he c.alls them the bleffidof fou Father • not onely Chrifl:, but God the Father bath ever looked upon them as his children; lr is the Father's will as well asChrift's that they lhould bebletfed, Te bieffid Luke. 12• 32 . ff my Father. 3· Inherit the Kingdom. J Chrift bad told them before, It u yeur Rom.8. ' 7· Fathlr'IJ ple~furetogive you the Kingdom; but then they were onely as fervants, or as Eph. 4· '3· ~~~u:~~~:~ :fee~o~~tt~0ful;hae:.:r~~:~~s;,.!J:;: .f t~;~,.;;~j;[":i;j;,;n:}/~c;;:f:t~ and ~herefurNhey muft have the inheritance in poffeffion, they moll all be Kings; this \Tery word fpe~ks them Kings, and makes them Kings; it is the folemn coronation of dte Saints. It is the anointing, thefetting of the crown upon the heads of the Saints; 1 Tim. 4- 8. Henceforth there u laid up for me acrown of righteoufncfs, l"fhich the Lord the righteol/6 !udgejhall give me at day, and not for me onely, b1<t 1mto them a!Jo that love hi; ap- .., pe~ring. +· Inherit the Kingdom, prep'!redfor yoH J as Tophet was prepared of old, fo wa. this Kingdom prepared of old; tt was the firft creature that ever God made, Gen.'· x. In th< beginning God c:eated heaven; his firfl work was to make Heaven for him~elf and hi• Sainrs todwell ut; he prepared tt for them, and then he prepared them for tt: but why for them? were not the Angels che fi~ft creatures that poffeffed it? my, were they I~t created in it, or together with it? yes, bur yet the Angels are not properly the heirs, fons, members, fpoufe of Gad and Chrill, as the Saints are; the Angels ;~re but minillring fpirits, and the fervams of .the Bridegroom, but the Saints are the Bride her felf, heirs and co-heirs with Cbri/l. 5· Prepared for you from the faundation of the World, J This was rhe great delign o! God and Chrill [rom all eterMy;