Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book Vi. 1Lrolttng unto jJefu~. - Chap. 1. sea. 6. 589 nitly; before the foundations of the world, the firll: ftone laid, ·and ever fince, they have been carrying on this mighty work; 1t 1s n?t a buunefs of yefterday onely; No, no; the eternal thoughts of God have been upon tt, He bath chofen '" m h•m be- Ephcf. '-4fore the formdation of the .world. . . , . Oh what thought• are mSatnts, when thts femence IS pr?pounded ~ ohw~at JOY enters into them mow they are to enter ito their Mafter_s JOY? me~lunks tf lt were poillble that tears could be in· a glorified elhte, the SaintS lhould not fee Chrtft reach out a Crown to fet it on their heads, but they Jl10uld weep, and ho)d away their heads, but Chrift will have it fo ; Thi< honoHr have all the Saints ; prai(e ye the Lord. SECT. VI. Of Chriff and the S11ints jHdging the refl of the World. 6. F 0 R Chrift and his Saints judging the world: no fooner Jltall the Saints be fen– tenced, J u!\ified, Acquitted, Anointed, Crowned; but prefemly they mull: be emhronized, and ut with Jefus Chrill: to judge the world. In the unfolding of this we may obferve thefe particulars. ---. 1. As Chrifl is on a Throne, fu now muft the Elett be fet on Thrones ; To him Rev. 3 • 2,1• 1hat overcometh will I grant to fit with me in my Throne. Thrones are for Kiugs and J"dges; and in that Chrill:hath now lifted up his Saints to this condition, he, will have them lit with him as io many Judges, and as fo maqy Kings; or if it be more honour to have Th{One! by themfelves, chan to {it with Chrift in his Throne; {oh!l in his vilion faw many Thrones; And I faw Thrones, and they fat upon them, and ju#jJgment Rev. 2o. 4· .WM given tmto them. And Chrift himfelf told his Apoftles, P'erily I f~y unto you, that ye which have followed me in the regener~tion, when the Son of Man jhall fit in the throne of hu glory, ye al(oJhall fit upon twelve Thr.ne_s, judging the twelve ·'f"ribes qf If- Matth. 1 9. 2 !. rael. Hence fome argue that arnongll: all the Satnts, the Apoll:les lhall have their .Thrones feat~d next to Chriil:; howfoever the rell: ll1all not be deprived of their Thrones.; for not onely twelve Thrones, but twelve and twelve are fet ahout the Throne of Chrill: ; And round about the Throne were. fo11r and twenty Thrones (or Rev. 4- 4 , feats ) and upon the Throne I Jaw fol<r and twenty Eiders fionng clMthed with white rayment, andth,yhad on their heads crownsof gold. ·<?nely four and twentyThrones, and four and twenty Elders are numbred, but thereby t; reptefcmted the whole Church of Chr~fti It. is plain en?ugh, that all the S~ims. /hall appear plainly in~he glory of Chrtll: s Kmgdorn, havmg Thrones wuh h1m mthe Atr, durmg the tun.e of his judgment. z. The goats on rhe.left hand !hall then be called to receive their doom. !ljo fooner the Saints emhronized, but then !hall Chrl~ fay, Tc blejfed Angels bring hither a/{thofe mine emmies, who h4vefaid I ]hall n•t rule over them, that I may bruife them with my Iron mace, !'nt( brMi{. them in pieces likg " Potters veffil. 0 the fear and trembling that will now feaze on reprobates I do but fee the cafe of prifoners, when the Judgl! [peaks that word, Co111e 'faylors, bring hither rhofe pri[011m to th< bar. But ails ! what coJ;tJparifon can we make tO fuite with the condition of thefe reprobates ? now lha.ll rheir hearts fail them for fear; now !hall t~ey feek death ( ob bow gladly would they die againJ ) but !hall not find it; now lhall they cry to rqtks apd mountains , F~11 on "' , and hide 11< from the face af him that fitteth ori the Re.. 6. 1 6. 'Throife, andfrom the wrath of the Lamb. As a prifoner in a defperate cafe had rather. remam in his fordid ll:inking dungeon , than coming into the open air for exe<;ut1on; fo the rep•·obatcs newly raifed from the earth, would fain return again i~to .t~c earth, glad to remain, though !lOt on the face of it with pleafure, yet in the Qowe)s of it with rottennefs and folitude; like malefactors preffing to death, they <;(y out for more weight, J'lills cover m , moHntains fail upo,. m , yet more ~e~~hJ, 'Pore rock.r, more mountains; hide m , prefl m, cover Uf, difPatch m. But ~\I 1n vam; che comma.nd is out, Angels and De"ils will force them to the bar, for - ~he Lord hath fpoke_n 1t ; Thife mine memies ·whifh wo11ld not thdt I jhQI</d reign over Luke ' 9· 27. them, brmg them h•ther, 3. They