Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

---~----=-----:----------::~:-----::-:----~ 59o Book VI. JLoottiug unto jJcfu.s'. Chap. 1. Sea. 6. ---- 3. They- flJalllook on -( htifl-:;;-nd his Sain-;-;, now- fi~i;g on tl1<ir Th;~ne;-As prifoner; that il:and at the bar m the face of the Judge, fo muf! thefe reprobates look the Judge and all his Affelfors m the -ety face. 1.. Forthe Judge, they fltalllook on him; Btho!d he comnh with <foud1, ar.d every eye_Jha/1 fee him, and they t<l{o wh,ch putced /.>,m, We heard before, that no fooner Chnil: in tlte clouds but they faw lum then ; as the prifoners that fee the Judge riding to his Judgment-fear; oh but ~ow th~y lhaU fee him in tbe Judgment-feat ready w11h fparkhng eye>, and thundnng vo1ce to fpeak their fentencc. Prifoners at the bar mull: not turn their backs on the ]udge when he begins their femence. Jn 111 ,i'fhte no more mull: reprobates; They muff fee hi'?' in Majefty whom rhq wonld not deig,;; 'lll{ul'i junt, to look_Jtpott tn hllm<ltty; that ky fo much more they mAy feel hi;· power, by how mh'h ~:d~;;~;;::~ more they derided his weai(pefs. _Oh _rbe difference betwixt Chrifl:'s firfl coming -in runt; ut ~he fie_lh , and 111 hts fec?nd com111g_ m the clouds; th_en he rame in poverty, now diflrinifi 1 u 111 MaJ<fly; then m lmnul11y, now m Glory; then Wtth poor Shepherds, ntlw with vtrtlltrmftnti- mighty Angels; then the contempt of Nations, now the terror of tf~c World . then ant 'I"'"''. crowned with Thotns, now with Majefl:y; then judged by one 111an, now j~dging ;;~,~~~~-"~":all men; then as a Lamb, now as a Lyon; oh horror to conceive! how will 1 he riftr;,,~,'m ' fight of this Judge amaze the wicked? and the rather becaufe they fl1all fee him whom rhey have pierced. ls not this the aggravation of their terror ? wnccive the guilty man-llair coming to his trial', will not the red robes of his Judge make his l1eatt bleed for his blood/hed? doth nor that crimfon cloath prcfent a monfirous hew before his eyes? 0 then what fight is this , when the man /lain Jits in the J udgmem-fm r the rofy wounds of our Saviour ftill bleeding (as it were) in the prifvners prefente? well may they hang their heads, but they /hall not nwt their eyes; They jiMII fee him, faith the Text; yea, they alfo 1•hich pierced him jha/1 fee hrm. This very light will be as convincing, as it they heard l brill: fay, Thou art the man th~Jt didff ms.rcher mt, th9H art the man h1-1ff pierced me . this woHnd..> thi& 1k,_ar, and rhu print of the naiiJ in my -handt and feet were thy very domgr in thy ftn– ning againff me. And who can tell but Cbrtfl: may fpeak m fomr fuch manner as this! Come all )'OU nn the left h~nd prepare yoH for the fentenee; I am the man whom you drd crucijie afrejl>; I am he >Yhoft perjon you drfPifed, whofe CommAndJ you dif– obeyed, whoje Miniftm ) 'OU abufed, whofe ServAnt! you hated, who[t OffirJ )'OH re· _iec( ed; 41td of whom you [aid, There u no b<auty in brm that we fhould deftre him. Whatfoever he fhall fay, this I bdie~e, that Chrif!"s fweet face will be moll rer~ rible to the wicked at that cay. Oh it will cut them to f<e him in the <udgmenr; feat whom they bafely llJUt out of doors, preferring a luf! before his prefence1 then will they begin with extreamefi grief and bittcrnefs of fpirir eo figh and fay, Oh , he that I look_ upon , and muff lo•k_ upon, and cannot choofe but look u; on : he whom I now fee jittmg on yo.•der flaming, white, and gloriom 'Throm, is Jefm Chriff, the M ighty God, the Prince of Peace , that true M effi.ah , whofe preciouJ blood w.u poured •ut .u IV4ter upon !he earth, t• [11ve hu peofle from their ftnJ : it it he, yea, the folf (.me he that many a time whiter I livea on earth , invited And wooed me by hu faithful MinijlerJ, that be(ought and entreated me with tettrJ of dcareff love, to IMve my luj/J, and to bid the Devil adieH; that i(pockfd again and again at the door of my heart for entrance, offering himfelf to be my al-fufficient, and everlafting hwbanJ, tel– ling me that if I would but have embraced him , at thu trme pJOitld have been the [o– lemnity of 1he marriage, and now he would h.tve {et an immortal crown of b!ifs and glory upon my head wah his own Almighty hand; bat I a/114! lik_e a wilful def}ert<te wretch, forfook_my own mercy, ;udged my felf Hm•orthy of everlafting !.fe, 11nd "rtKh· edly and crHe/ly 11gainff my own (oHI, perfecuted all the meam wh11h Jl!ould J.ave fanEf:– fied me, and allthe MinifterJ which foould have fawd me, 114 infirumentJ in the h•ndt of Chriff , and now happy I if I were An hundred thDH[aNd mi/lionJ •f miler diftant from thi< fight of Jefiu Chriff, oh thAt thefe eyu in my head were holeJ az ain, M they were but even now when 1 w.u rottmg, or rottrn in the gr~<ve! •h that I Cohld turn any way ajide from thu glorioHJ fight! oh that I were a Stone, or Tree, or .Air, or any other thing that wanted eyu ! oh that 1 had no e;•e within , nor ~tndcrjfanding.faclllty to conceive of Chriff., or to IQ.o~ Chriff Je[uJ M mY. /udge, r~ow ret<dy to bid me go to Hell ! cerramly thefe wtll be the woful wttlJes of the wicked, when they il>all look on Cbriil: as fining on his Throne of Judgemcnr. .z. ~or