Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Book Vl. 1Lrolttng unto Jjefu~. Chap. 1. Sea. 6. 59 ' 2 • For tlwS•in:s, they 0Jall look on them. Indeed· tpey lit fo near their S1viour, thlt they c1nnot look on him, bat they mull: look on them; the Saints are on their Throne<, either in tiJc Throne or abour the Throne of Jefus Chnfi; and the repro– bltes ftaittl-ill a dire.'l:o?pofice line w the S1ints, fo that their eyes caiJ'Tlot be off them; It is f.1id intht parable,, that the rich m1n being in Hell, He lift "P hiJ eyes, and fr•w Luke ,6, 23 • Abraha"' a far off, a>~d L•<.<rm in hi< bofon; bqt the dtftance bemg fo great as Heaven and Hell, rim c1nnor be litterally undedlood, bur oneiy parabolically; it is otherwife here, for howfoever thefepararion be already made, yer neither is the fentence, n'or·execution pafl upon th.e reprobates; and indeed as yet, both rhe Saints and reprobatesare in rhe Air, the one on the right han4, and theother on rhe left hand of J~fus Chri!'t, an1 t!terefore they cannot but have a full vtew of each other. In the Apocriphal book there is a plain defcription of this view, Thm j/H!l the ri.ghteo~# wifd. 5· t, 2, m•n ftand in.great boldnefs before the face of fuch M have ajfii[led him, and mad<no 3, 4• 5· a<eount of hi< labo~<n; and when they fee it they ]hall be trOHb!ed with terrible fear, and jha/1 be ama<.<d at rh, ftrrlngnefs of his falvation, {o far beyond all that they look!d for; and they repentinz a>~d groaninz for anguijb f•r JPirit, · fh"/1 {ay within themfelves , thiJ Mhe whom \V.? h.1i fonNimes in derifion, and a proverb ~~ repro.1ch; we f ools accounted hi< life madnefs, andhi. end to be without honour; how. i<. he numbred Among the children of God, and hi< lot ,:,. among the Saints ? ts a fight that wiU trouble and amaze the wicked, that tbofe who fometimes were their footflool; ll10uld now be on Thrones; rhatpoor Laz..rns, who lay at 'the gares of that cenrain rich man, fhoald now lltine like a Star near the Sun or Rightevn~1efs ; that they who were reproached, reviled, maffacred, inurrhered by them, ll10uid now be their Judges , joining with Jefus Chrifl ro femence them eo Hell. Oh who can concrive the terrible thoughts of thefe mens hearts! now rhe world cannot help them, their old companions cannot help them.• the S1ints neither can, nor will; onely the Lord Jefus can,, but oh! there is the foul-killing mifery, he will not, Ye Men, ,.,d Devils (faith Chrill:) joint~heirs of Hell, fit fz$e[ for eternal fire, look.. on us in our Thrones, time· tV&il'e could not have alook,Jromyou ; Chriff a~d Chriftians were an abhorrency of f pirit unto you,' you troad us underfoot, but now we are got abo·ve yo11; ohfoe the vaff difference betwixt 111 and you ; loo~ on IH, look._ on me and my S~tints ! fee us on our Thrones, foe us glituring in glory; and be confounded and amaz.edfor ever. · 4· A particuladhict account fhall be then required, and given. Of what you will fay I I Anfwer - - I. ·Of fins: Come (will Chrifl fay) now confefs 111l yo~tr (ms before all the world; cime was that you ~oncealed your fins , but now every ffn fhall be laid open be– fore God , Angels , and Men ; And now .is the black book of rheir confciences opened, wherein appears all their fins original and actual ; of omiifion and commif– fion. For omifiions of duties all thofe lliaH be difcovered. Chrifl h•ngry, and I gave him '110 meat; Chrifl thirfty, and J gMJe him no drink_; .Chrifl a ftranger, and J lodged him•11or ; _Cilrifl 11ak$d, dnd ~ ~loathed hi,m not; Chrifl fic/z, andin prifon, and J vifitcd him not. And for commtfi!Ons of e.vtls , all thoU, /hall be dtfcovered. Thtfo ~nd the(e fins I co1'J.,itted in my child-hood, youth , ripe age, old ~ge : thefo were mygrofs fias, blajphemy, perjury, idolatry, robbery, drun~nnefs, nncleannefs, pro– phanmefs, &c. and thfc were my lefs fins, anger,hatred, envy,.di(hufl, impatience, pride, prefumption, contention, derifior~) inconftancy~ hypocrifo. &c. Oh the numberlefs num– 'ber of evil thoughts, words and deeds that now are laid open: In the black book is natonely w!inen all !ins done, but all fuch fins as were intended or purpofed to be d6ne ;, All tht projects of the heart, though never acted, muft now be difcovered. Men lttde think of ohis ; If I fhould tell you of fU.:h defigns that died in your hearts, and never came out to light; you would be now ready to fay, Tujh, J ne· ver d1d fuch atlnng , I onely intended it, or had fome ·thoughts about it, and wh~t· then? !'lhy then tho[e very thoughts, fecrets, purpofcs, projeCts fhall come to light; or if there be any, thing t;tore hidden or fecret, as the very bent, and frame of your ·hearts, the very mcltnatJons of your fouls to this or that evil, fhall then be manifefi tO .all the . 'Yorld. Nay, yet more, fuch fins as by the !inners themfelves wct:e never taok no– tice of, etther before, or at, or after the commi.fiion of rhem, fltall this day come 'out. Confcience is f'uch a ltind of private Notary or Secretary , that it keeps notes •or refords of all acts and deeds, whether you obferve them or no; confciencc hllh the Pen of a ready Writer, ~nd take> in J110r£ hand; and jH an illegible character, · - · · .. from