Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

So '~QJ!.111d'Jal/KI itrr~rmittmu.>c J;ttbiiUf non arm llff. Eph. 4· 3o , .. 1 John;. 9 John 4· 14 ~ Cor.4.IO,Il Rom. 8. t G•J.6 18; Gal. 5. •S Chap. 1. Sects the unbeliefin part remaining in us: y~t~ifwe want of it in the witne/Je and comfort •f 11, we have it in the holinejJe ofit: Hence tt !S called Tht holy Spmt of &'od, wherwy we nr. Je.aled unto rhe day •f Rc.dnnption. SECT. )· Ofthe fourth Priviledge, viz. SanEfijicAtion. T. BeJourth Priviledge is SanCfijicatiDn, which in order of nature follows Adoption: No fooner are we f,;ns, but we recetvc the tmage of our heavenly Father in SBnc· tijication; The manner of it is thus. r. ' The Spirit works in us a principle of fpirituallifc: The Scripture fometimes ca.lls it a Seed, fometimes a Spring or Fountain, fometimes The life of Chrijf, becaufe it is conveyed unto us by the Spirit of Chrifl, by means of our infeparable union with Chrif!. What name (oeve~ we give it, we may not conceive it to be a new faculty ad. d.ed unto thofe wh1ch are m men by nature, but an Improvement of thofc abilities to work Spiritually, as they did naturally before Regeneration : Hence it is that a re– generate man in Scripture is faid To walk_ after the Spirit, -To be led by the Spim - To 1.alk_in the Sp.rit. ' z. From this Fountain fprings all thofe habits of Spiritual grace, which are fcverally dill:inguifhed by the names of Faith, Hop:,. Love,. &c. although to fpeak properly, they are but the d1verfificat10ns of that Spmtual Pnnc1plc wtthm u•, d1f!mguifhcd by thefe names. · 3· From thef9 habits of grace abiding in us, ordinarily proceed Spiritual motions and operations according to thofe habits. ·And as it is with Natural habits, fo it is with ,."'.. fpiritual~ they are much encreafed and ll:rengthened by their motions, operations (i.) by the ufc and exercifc of them, and arc as much weakned by difufe, and neo!ecr of fuch an e'Xercife. I deny not, but for all this, there is within us a woftl~ finfui"nature, croffe and contrary unto holinelfe, and leading us daily into captivity: yet here's ·our , , , , , •. Priviledge, even SanCfiJit·atiort in fart; furely the Lord hath given us another Name a new Nature: there is fomething elfe within us, which makes us wrel\le againll fin, N.uh. 1 '' 20 and fhall in time prevail over all fin: A bruifed reed jha/1 he not brralz., and fmoakj»g flax jha/1 he not quench, till hefend forth judgment unto viEfory. The excellency of this Priviledge appears in thefe particulars. I. This is our glory and beauty, even Glorification begun: vVhat greater glory than to be like unto God? We are changed mto the Jam: •mage,fromglory to glory; every • · · degree ofgrace is glory; and the perfecrwn ofglory m heaven, confilts chiefly in the • Cor. 8. 13 pe!feCt!on of grace. . 2. This will give us abundance of fweet peace: For whence come troubles, and doubts of Gods favour and love ? Is it not fome guilt 01~ decay here? is it not fome boldnelfe to fin ? Is it not our fecret dalliance with fome known fin, continued in with 1 Cor. 1·" t:ecret impenitency? On the other fide, what was Pa~tlJ rejoycing ?' Hc:ukjah, peace? !fa. 38 · '• 3· the one cryed, that In allfincerity andfimplicity he had hiJ convcrfation amongjl·men; the ..,r •oth'et, Lord, remember I have walk§d before thee ~tpright!y: not,that this was the ground of their peace, for that onely is Free grace in Chrill: but the meanes of their peace: That is a curfcd peace, that is kept by looking to Chriil:, and yet loving our lull:s. '""' .. 3· This will make us fit for God'' ufe. · A filthy unclean velfel is good for nothing, till 1 Tim ;,_ '' cleanfed; a man mufl firfl :purgehimfelf, and then he fhall be a vejJel um• honourfanc– tified, and meet for the MafterJ ufe., and prepared unto everygr.od work_, 4· By this we have a moll:fweetand comfortable C'Vidmce of our ]~tj/ific"tion: Nor is this a running upon the Covenant ofWorks; Is not SanUification (the writing of tl;e <> ':'Q Law in our hMrtJ) a priviledge of the Covenant of Grace, as well as ]'llj/ification ? and can the evidencing of 'one Piiviledge by another, be a running upon the Covenant ofWorks? 0 confider, how many Evangelical Promifcs are made to perfons inveil:ed with fuch and fuch graces! as of Poverty, Mo11mi1>g, .11.-fetk;:JCjJe, cl-<: and to 111 "·S·M·S• 6 wh~t end? but that every one may take, and be affured of his portion manifefled por– ticuliuly therein? furely none arc jujlified, !;>ut they areJanEf,jied; or if not f,.r;E/ifeJ; 'they are not ju 1 1ified · HCT.