594 l3ook VI. 1.!.-ooktng unto jjefu.s. Chap.!. Seer. 6. neva mu[t it be reverfed. 0 my brethren, I tremble at the very mentioning of this !Cnrence, and 0 what will they do on whom it mufi pafs l I b.efeech you before we p.;fs from it, will you ask but your fouls thts ?ne quellion? what,can ;•oudwe/lwitb rvalaftingfire? if you can, you may go on in lm; but if you cannot, why then llop here, a~d repent oflin, 0 now fay, if thi< be therffell of fn, Lord pardon what upaft and0give me grace that I may fin no more; a1 fometimfl I have done, Methinks if ~ temptatio!\ thould come agam forordmary entertainment, you (hould fright it away with the remembrance of thefe powerful words, depart from me ye cur[tdintoevtr– Jaftiug fire, preparedfor the '])evil and hi< Angel!, • 1 Cor. 6. 0 , 2. The Sain~s fhall judge the very felf fame judgment, do ye not ~now that the Saints fhall judge tbe World? that they as well as Chritt {hall judge the World, is without Dan. 7· 22. controverlie; And;udgmem WM gzven to tbe SaiNtJ of the mojf high. Ye alji !hallfit npan twelve 1 bTOite! judgin[, the twelve Tribfl oflfrael. Behold, the Lord cometh with 8 twelve tbon[a11d of hi< Saints, to ex<c_ute judgment upon all, 1(.1<ow ye 110t that we]hall )u~~ 'f.;.' ,· 5 .judge the An~elt? not only fhall we judge the World, but the God of the World; , Cor. 6. 5· rhe Prmctpahues and Powers that captive WICked men at their pleafure; even they mull be judgedby thofe whom they formerly foyled; fo then there is no qudlion but they fhall judge. Only how the Saints &all judge together with Chrill, is avery deep quellion. for my part l am apt to think, that it fhall not be directly known, ere it be feen or done. I fhall only relate what others fay to this point, and fo leave you to your liberty of judging what is right. . r. Some fay that the Saints !hall judge the World by prafentin~ their Ferfons and actions, by comparing their good ex'amples with the evil examples of all the ReproJude 15. bates; and fo, they fhall convince and condemn the World. Behold the Lord com– etb with 'Ien thou/and of hi;, Saints, to executejudgment upon all, and to cmvincesll that are u11godly among them ; Thi• I conceive to be a truth, yet furely this is not all truth, 2. Others {ay, that the Saints fhall judge the World by way of indicting, implead~ ing, accul1ng, witneJling, &c. And I conceive it may b~ thus too. the Saints of the Law more efpecially accufing the breakers of the'Law, by th~Law. D~ not John 5, 45 • think, that I wilt accuJ<yo11 to the Fatbtr, there is o11e that accujeth you to tbt Father there i1 one thttJ accufethy•u, even Mofes, in whom ye truft. And the Saints of th~ Rom. 2, 10, Gofpel more efpccialy judging the prophaners of the Gofpel, by the Gofpel ; in that day when God }halljudge the{tertii ofmm by Je[MChrij!, according to my Gofpel, This likewife is truth, but I believe as yet we have not the wkole truth. '3· Others fay, that the Saints ih>ll judge the World after the manner of exaltal'!al. 5 s. ro. tion, glorying, and rejoyceing to fee the vengeance. The Righttou1 fha/J rejoyce when he feeth the vengea1tce, he /hall wafh hi<feet in the blood of the wick,ed, But this their exulting being a conllant and perpet~al aCl:, not for a time, but for eternity, methinks this prefent all fhould be yet fomewhat more. 4· Others fay, that the Saints fhall judge the World by way of afTcffion, atfent, v'ote, fulfrage, coroprobation, and the like fubordinate, and conformable acts. .And Rev. 16. 17. I heard another out of the Altar f•y, even _(o Lord God Almighty, true a>Zd righteous are Rev. '9· 1 • 2 • thy judgment! .-··Andafter tbefe thing!, !heard agreat voice of m11cb people in heavm, fayin[,, Allelujab, f•lvatio11, a1td glory, and honour, andpower tmto the Lord our God, for true •nd righteou1 &re hi1 judgment/; this certainly is truth, and commonly fore: ceived, yet neither is this all truth, 5· Others lay, that the Saints fhall judge the World (i) Chrill in the Saints,and ·the Saints in Chrill. Ht in them by thofe Infallible principles of Divine Jullice which sre imprdl in them; and they in l;lim, by thofe infeperable bounds of uni– on, whereby they wholly relate to him: or he and they together as head and mem– bers, the aCl: of the head imputed to the members, and the act of the members ac– knowledged by the head; his Judiciary All (efpecially as from his Mediatorfhip and M•nhood) having a peculiar inlluence upon them; and their Judiciary act (in a per– fed: conformity, though not any abfolute proportion) hav.ing a peculiarreference to him, And methinks thofe Texts of Mat. 19.28. l"de 14, I5· fpeak there 0f Chrifis, and of the Saints judgment, as of one Joyntacl, Oh what terro! will be to all wicked men? when not only Chrill, but all the Siints fhall fay of them, away with them, •w~y with them, let them be d•mned, Yo11 that