Chap.t. sea. 6. Jtoolitng unto j}eftt.S'+ Book VI. 595 that are Farhers, tt may be yo.ur childr<n will rhus fentance you, I remember when the Jew! rold Chrifi, thar he calt ottt DtviiJ th>·o~<gh Beelzebub, Pri>tc; of Devilr, he Mat. 12. 7• anfwered, if l through Bedzebub cajl out DevzlJ, by whom do your clnldren caft them out? therefore tbey fhaU be ymr Judge~, They liked well enough of the Miracles of rheir children who were Difciples of Chrill; but rhey could not endure them in Chrill and therefore he tells them, that rheir children, whom God had converted, and to whom he had giver. powtr tt> do the fame works as he did, even they fhould be thrir Judges to Condemn them. And fv it may be wi·th you, if any of yeur Children bc converted ro the Lord, and you remain llill in a natural ellate, your very ·Children (hall be your Judges, and condemn you to Hell, But of that anon: )., 6. In this doom which Chrilt and his Saints fhall pafs on Reprobates, our Savi– our relis us of Come reafonings betwixr him and them; I waJ an buugred ('faith Chrifl) andye g•ve me no meat; I waJ thirfly, and ye gave me'" drink_, &c.'--ThenMat. 2s. 42, fhaU they a>ifwer, Lerd, when Jaw·we thee an h~<ngry, or a thirft, or a~rauger, or·na!{ed, #4l• orfick,, or in pri[on, and didno't mini(ler umo thee? and thenfh•ll he anfwer·~bim, ve: rily i fay untoyou, inafmucb aJ j'e did it not 19 one of tbtlcaft of thefe, ye-did'it uotto me, As if Chrill fhould have fa id, time was that I was under reproach, mifcry, calamity, necelliry; I lay at your doors like Lazarur full of fares, and as ·r thought. nothing too much for you, fo I expected alfo fomcthing from you.; but oh cruelty ro fee thy Chrifi an hungred arid nor to feed him ? to fee thy Chrifi athirfi, andnot to cool, or quench his thirlll to fee thy Chrifi a flranger, and not to give him a nights lodging? to fee thy Chrifi naked, and not to cover him with a garment, who would gladly have covered thee wirh the robe of righteoufnefs, the garment "fSal: . vation? 0 m~m(hous inhuman heart! 0 prodigious' wretch I who among'tht \flea. tbenJ ever dealt thus .with their Idols? have any of the Nations fiarved their gods, turned them out of doors? acd muA I only be flighted? away Reprobates I you had no mercy on me, and now I la•gh at your calamity; furely hefhaU have judg. nflnt without mercy; that hathfhewed no merry. They fiand wondring at th1s, and cannot remember that ever they, faw Chriil in f~ch a condition; 1Vhy LortJ,' (fay '· they) whwJaw we thee an bungred, or tbirfiy, onzak.fd? art th1u not r.ethat rofe ag•iH A(~\: from the dead, •nd afcmded on high, and wer fince haft been <:>a/zed above the bightfi Cberubim1, a name being givw thee above everj name,at which name to thh day, but efpeciaUy now ~n tbil daJ, every k_nee doth bow of tbingJ-in heave~<, and thi1<g1 in earth, Phi!. 2. 9, tO: and thing1 under the earth ; how then could we fee thee in fuch a condition? is not this thy fecond coming in glory ? and Were we alive at thy firfi coming in hll' mility? how can this be? ho how. fhouldft thou chuge us with unkindnefs ro thY fclf? Surdy if we had known thee in need, we would have given thte of thy own. thou fhou)dfi mvcr have wanted what things we enjoyed, but thou fhouldfi have commanded both us and them. To which our Saviour rep!yes, 0 deceilful,igoorant, and fiupid Souls ! have you no better learn'cd Chrifi then fo ? am notl Head ofthe Church, and can the Head be \"ithout Members? Verily, if you had loved, relic~ ved, or done good ro them, you had done fo to me; but in being uncharitable t<1 them, you were no lefs unto me. Never fay you would have been thus,"'and thus kind ro Chrifi, whiles you were unkind to Chrifiians: herein lies the' deceitful· nefs uf your hearts; 0 th•y are deceitful above all thing! an'd defPerat;IJ wick,!d, who C.lJ i(.now thom? hut I the. Lord fearcb the heart, I try the reinu, even to J<r. r7. 9,1o, gtve to ev<ry man according to hi< wayJ, a11d according to the fruit of hil doing1 ; In as much as ye did it not to one of rhe leaft of my members, ye did it not to me; and thercfore get you down to .Hell, get you out of my prefence; take them D1vels, away with them Angels to the Devil and his Angels for ever. . Thefe authe rea{onings betwixt Chrift and Reprobates; and if fo, may we not •magme tbe hke bctw>xt Saints and Reprobates? is there not the fame reafonofrea– Coning betwixt them and the inferior Judges,as betwixt the,. and the fupreme Judge? for my pm I cannot conceive, put if we admit of fuch difputes betwixt Chrift and them, well may there be the like difputes, arguings, and reafoniRgs betwixt Samrs and them: for they had on earrh more familiarity, converfe,o.nd communi– on together; fome af them ir may be, were in near and dear relations to each other · and now. that one fhtll judge the orher to e<ernal flames, oh what paffages will be be: tw1xt them ? I fhall mftan.;e m our neareft relations upon earth, as ofMafters and S f f 2 Servants,